KSC scores high on COAST

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That’s right!

The “Shells&Sails” program rated the Kanata Sailing Club under the Club Operational Assets & Standard Tools (COAST) with three green stars, ranking high in the small sized clubs category! Quoting from the report: “KSC has a very good base of operating practices, receiving 3 star rating which is above average. […] KSC has well established development goals for the club, and is motivated and committed to increasing their participant scope adding youth programming“.

The review process aimed at assessing the quality of KSC management and program development, to identify areas of strength and opportunities of growth. Shells&Sails will continue to offer resources and counselling throughout the years to grow the popularity of sailing in our community.

Shells&Sails, a joint Ontario Sailing and Rowing Ontario program, aims at promoting the sports of Sailing and Rowing in Ontario.

The new partnership between S&S and the KSC is already fruitful, and the sailing season is yet to start!