Race Night Report – Thursday June 1, 2017

The high water (and fact that boats weren’t yet at the beech) meant that the June 1 race night was a practice race, and will not officially count towards the season score.  We did get a few boats on the water though to run through the course and work out some kinks in our race plan.


This was really the story of the night.  A forecast 10 knots (with gusts of 15) did not come to pass.  Instead, we got about 6 knots with gusts in the 12-20 range.  A couple of capsizes happened throughout the night, but those who managed to hold on were flying in the gusts.

The Results

Chunshu and Norm (Albacore), Ray (Laser), Carla (Byte) and Jason (Laser) braved the couple of races, but end results were not tallied.  Notably, Jason sailed the wrong course in the first race, and others apparently chose to follow (pro tip — never assume Jason knows what the heck he’s doing)

The Apres-sail, the RC, and other comments

Many thanks to Frank and Jean for bringing hamburgers and refreshments, and instructors Sydney and Reese for doing Race Committee duties.  They set a course and ran a couple of quick races, all while keeping an eye on the fleet from a safety perspective.  As a final note, the Ottawa Skiff and Cat Grand Prix (OSCGP) is running this weekend, and Nepean One Design (NOD) is running the weekend of June 14.  KSC members are more than welcome to take a KSC cat to OSCGP and to take an Albacore or Laser to NOD.  See nsc.ca for details on these regattas.