8 Boats made it to the start line Wednesday evening with 14 Sailors on board. We had fair winds and a nice buoys to starboard course set by Steve and Annie. Wednesday saw three new Sailors introduced to race night. Liz sailed with Carla in the Tasar and Mark and Ellen flew around the course on their Hobie 16. Andy also joined Ken for his 2019 inaugural sail in the Albacore. Tony picked up some handy sail trim advice to pull out an exciting 3rd place finish in most of the races . He and Nathan were set for second place in Race #2, it it wasn’t for the fact that they were exceeding the Ottawa River speed limit so managed to slow their pace down to a crawl by hitting and dragging the up wind mark. Lucky for Carla and Liz as they pulled ahead and managed a 2nd place finish. As the winds died down on the last race Ken and Andy on port tack gave up their lead as they fouled Carla and Liz, sneaking up on starboard tack. After completing a 720 penalty turn they came a close second. All sailors enjoyed a delicious meal put on by Corinne and Leopol, with cold bevvies provided by Tony. Thanks to all who helped put on this event and to the sailors who gave the committee boat a fabulous show.
Race Results
Race #1
- Ken and Andy
- Jean, Corrine and leopol
- Liam
- Tony and Nathan
- Carla and Liz
- Anthony
- Mark and Ellen
- Lee
Race #2
- Ken and Andy
- Carla and Liz
- Tony and Nathan
- Jean, Corrine and leopol
- Liam
- Mark and Ellen
- Lee
Race #3
- Ken and Andy
- Carla and Liz
- Tony and Nathan
- Liam
- Jean, Corrine and leopol
- Lee
- Mark and Ellen
Race #4
- Carla and Liz
- Ken and Andy
- Tony and Nathan
- Liam
- Corrine, Jean and leopol
- Lee dnf
- Mark and ellen dnf