It’s not too late to learn to sail this summer! KSC is offering an additional Learn-to-Sail session this summer for adults and youth 16+.
This program is designed for first time, or less experienced, sailors and leads to certification of up to the CANSAIL 2 standard. This permits graduates who decide to become members of KSC to use any of the boats in the club’s fleet of dinghies.
Please check out our training page or contact Tom, KSC Training Director, at [email protected] for more information.
Here are the program details:
DATES: July 21 – August 20, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
(Note: some make-up classes will be available if you have vacation conflicts.)
TIMES: 5:30 – 9:00 pm
Note: If you join KSC, as a trainee, you receive a 20% discount on your membership plus we will give you the discount on training!