Ahoy folks,
A draft of the 2016 Sailing Instructions (SIs) for the Monday Racing Series is now available. The SIs are to be ratified for the Spring Series on Monday May 16 at a meeting at the clubhouse (6:30pm). If you see any errors, or whatever, please let me know by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or we can discuss them at the meeting tonight.
“What are SIs?” you may ask… generally speaking, they’re the formal definition of the “house rules” for the races. The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) published by World Sailing is the blueprint for running races, and the SIs are amendments/modification to the RRS for the purpose of racing at the club. They include what time/dates races will be run, how our start sequence differs from the standard sequence, how scoring will work, that kind of thing.
Many thanks again to Mario for putting these together!