Race Night Results – August 28th

So no doldrums to speak of this August, as yet another windy evening arrived in time for race night on Wed. Winds came in from the south east and shifted right  to the south as the evening progressed with averages at 20 km/hr gusting to 30 and higher. 

Battles ensued throughout the race course on Wednesday between the pros in the name of Ken E and Tom in the Albacore and Ken S in the laser, with bumping and gnashing of teeth and yelps of “STARBOARD”, “UP, UP, UP” and the term “Keel-haul” may have been uttered once or twice.  Some man-overboard maneuvers were practiced by Carla in the Byte followed by Corinne in the laser because you never know when or how often these skills will be called upon. 2 Hobie cats joined in the fun with Nathan and Annie, putting in a brilliant show for the evening, in fact I think I heard them purring at one point,  while Frank and Jean in the other Hobie gave a competitive chase.  

Results are as follows. 

Race 1 

  1. Ken S – laser 
  2. Ken E and Tom- Albacore
  3. Nathan and Annie – Hobie
  4. Jean and Frank – Hobie
  5. Corinne
  6. Carla – byte

Race 2

  1. Nathan and Annie
  2. Ken S
  3. Ken and Tom
  4. Corinne
  5. Carla
  6. Jean and Frank DNF

Race 3

  1. Nathan and Annie
  2. Ken S (forgot to protest pirates below)
  3. Ken E and Tom
  4. Carla
  5. Corinne- DNS

Thanks to the race committee:  Instructor Annie and her partner Amy for setting the course and to Liz who supplied us with the food including her delicious corn from her farm. 

This newsletter marks the last race night for this year for 2019. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to make the races happen and to all the sailors who offered their skills and assistance to the new members learning to sail and to the old salts who are always looking for a challenge. See you on the water. 

Carla – Sailing Director