Tag Archives: results

Race nights 2023

Wednesday Race Night Season Results

A great final race night of the season reminded the club what it’s like when the wind actually shows up! Season results at the bottom of the page, but I’ll write a bit about the Aug 28 race night first 🙂

Eleven boats showed upon Wednesday evening, with steady air blowing on the verge of whitecaps, at least for the start of the night. Capt Steven volunteered for R/C (thanks!) and set a nice clockwise course. Even though the wind started to slow with the setting sun, there was enough to move all night long, and some of the closest racing I’ve ever seen at KSC was to be had.

The first start saw the boats hit the line in a gust with a few seconds to go, forcing a lot of boats to bear off and hope they weren’t over early. Ken Skublics nailed his start, forcing the other boats to catch up to his Laser. Steve and Tom, and Carla and Liz each had taken a Tasar and could point high, but would it be enough? The 470 made its racing debut, sailed by the trio of Jean, Olivier, and Corinne, throwing another question mark into the mix. Mark and Eric each took out other Lasers, Stefan in an Inviatations, Rey and Deb in Bytes, and Emily/Aidan in a Quest, and Jason in his tippy Musto rounded out the fleet.

The starboard tack line ran along the shore, with Steve/Tom tacking a bit early toward the middle of the river, but I’m not sure how much was gained bu the manouver – uncharacteristically, the wind seemed better by the shore. At the upwind mark there were 5 boats all rounding in quick succession (two Tasars, Ken’s Laser, the 470, and the Musto) and there was lots of overtaking or defensive sailing done on the next couple of legs. It really shows how much the skill level of the fleet has improved over the past few years, rather than just one or two sailors completely walking away with it.

The wind started to slow, and Jason hit a hole when he tacked early at the leeward mark – almost the entire fleet passed him. (Note to self, figure out what I did wrong here). The other boats wisely stayed on starboard and again climbed up the course. Tom/Steve took the race followed by Liz/Carla (a Tasar 1-2 finish).

The wind started to pick up for the second race, and we again had an awesome start, with 4 or 5 boats all hitting the line in quick succession. Jason and Tom/Steve were playing leapfrog this race, with the Tasar outpointing Jason on the upwinds, but Jason making betting VMG on the reaching/downwind legs. The Tasar was ahead by a few boatlengths at the final upwind mark, and Jason made a tactical decision to fly the kite, reach for boat speed, and throw in a gybe on the last leg. The plan worked, and he just beat the Tasar by a couple of boatlengths, for his first win of the season (for comparision, Steve had 14).

The other performance double-handers (Carla/Liz in the Tasar, Corinne/Olivier/Jean in the 470) rounded out the top finishers, followed by the single-handers led by Ken’s Laser, and the Quest.

Season results

With 36 unique racers and 19 races this season, we had a pretty good turnout. The one thing which didin’t show up a lot was the wind, forcing us to cancel 3 race nights in a row with either lightning, or dead air.

Using KSC’s traditional drop-1-of-3 scoring system, we only count the best 13 scores of the 19 races, and add up the points to see who wins with the lowest points. With 14 wins, and a few 2nd/3rd places, Steve Harrington had the lowest possible score of 13 points, and is once again KSC Champion! Yay Steve! (how many years running is this?)

But the real challange was for those coveted second, third, and fourth places, where us mere mortals have a chance.

Ken Skublics took home the second position, by consistently scoring 2nd, 3rd and 4th place finishes thoroughout the year. He also wins the “best looking Laser at the club, by far” award for that shiny blue thing. Liz locked up third on the final night with great finishes over the year in a variety of boats. Mike and Jason were just behind her and tied for 4th/5th, but each had a few too many missed races hurting the points total. Carla pulls in 6th and a special shout out goes to our youngest racer Nora who finished 7th. Tom, Mark and Olivier round out the top 10, with Mark and Olivier tied for 9th/10th.

Thanks again for a great season, and I hope to see you next year! An extra special thank you to the volunteers who ran race comittee this year, including Sam, Danika, Keelee, Steven, Deb, Jean, and others whom I’m sure I am missing. We can’t run decent races without you, and it’s much appreciated!

Provisional season results:

2ndKen S3.02.0(5.0) DNC) DNC)(6.0 DNC)4.0(5.0)73.032.0
3rdLiz(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)(6.0 DNC)1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF4.0 Crew4.0 Crew3.0 Crew4.0 Crew5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC2.0 Crew3.0 Crew90.043.0
4thMike L2.03.01.0(6.0 DNC) DNF3.02.0(6.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)94.045.0
5thJason(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)(6.0 DNC) DNF5.0 Crew5.0 Crew(7.0 DNC)5.0 DNC3.02.0(7.0)
6thCarla6. DNC)(7.0)5.03.0(7.0 DNF)3.0 DNF(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)6.0 DNC(7.0 DNC)5.0 DNC2.
7thNora2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)6.0 Crew1.0 Crew(15.0 DNC)3.0 Crew2.0 Crew6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)125.054.0
8thTom N(7.0 Crew)(7.0 Crew)6.0 Crew4.0 Crew6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)(8.0 Crew)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF6.0 DNF5.05.07.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC1.0 Crew2.0 Crew109.062.0
9thMark4.0 Crew4.0 Crew4.0 Crew1.0 Crew4.05.0(9.0)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(15.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC5.06.0119.063.0
10thOlivier(7.0)(7.0) DNF(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)6.0 DNC4.05.0 DNC4.0 Crew5.0 Crew6.04.0108.063.0
11thJean5.0 Crew6.0 Crew(7.0 DNC)6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF4. DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 Crew4.0 Crew121.065.0
12thRobert4. DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)7.04.0(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)140.069.0
13thKaren(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF4.0 Crew4.0 Crew3.0 Crew3.05.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)137.072.0
14thDanika9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)145.074.0
15thBurak2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)145.074.0
16thHannah(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC3.0 Crew3.0 Crew2.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)139.074.0
17thCorinne(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC6. Crew4.0 Crew132.074.0
18thStefan(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF5. DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0)(10.0 DNF)141.080.0
19thEric(8.0)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0(9.0)7.0(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC3.07.0139.082.0
20thAnnie(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)8.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)141.083.0
21stEllen(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC4.0 Crew5.0 Crew(9.0 Crew)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)149.083.0
22ndCaleb9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC5.05.0 DNC5.01.0(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)155.084.0
23rdDeb(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC8.08.0143.085.0
24thLeopold(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)151.086.0
25thTony5.06.07.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)157.086.0
25thMerve5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)157.086.0
27thDan9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC3.0 Crew5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)159.088.0
28thAaron(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC8.0(10.0)6.0(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)155.088.0
29thStephen(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(9.0)6.0(10.0)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)156.089.0
30thSeamus9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC3.06.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)161.090.0
31stJanice9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 Crew4.0 Crew6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)161.090.0
32ndRussell9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC5.0 Crew5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)161.090.0
33rdEmily(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC5.0 Crew6.0 DNC(11.0)9.0158.091.0
34thShiela9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNF8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(12.0 DNC)(12.0 DNC)162.091.0
35thAidan(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC(11.0 Crew)9.0 Crew159.092.0
36thRey(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0 DNC5.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 DNC9.0(10.0 DNF)158.092.0

Scoring notes

How does the scoring work you may ask?

Simple version: you get 1 point for first place in a race, 2 points, for second, etc. We take your 13 best (lowest) scores and add them up to get your net score. Lowest total wins!

Longer version:

You get 1 point for first place in a race, 2 points, for second, etc.

“But what if I don’t come to all the races?”. A score of “DNC” (did-not-come) is scored as the number of people who did come, plus one. So for the first race of the season, we had 8 boats, and everyone who didn’t come scored 9 points. “DNF” (did-not-finish) is similar, except it implies that you were there and started the race, so you score better than people who didn’t come at all.

Because people have lives outside the sailing club, go on vacations in the summer, can’t make a given race night, etc, our scoring system lets you drop your worst score for every 3 scores. That means we only count 13 of the 19 races this year. A few DNC races therefore isn’t going to hurt your score. You could miss 6 races and still never be penalized for a DNC. Missing more than 6 this year though would start to hurt your standings.

KSC Racing update and Cat Regatta results

Lots of action on the KSC racing scene, including updated season results, and the Catamaran Regatta on Sat Aug 10

Catamaran Regatta

The wind was forecast to be 8 gusting 12, or 10 gusting 18, or somewhere around there (depending on forecast model used). In other words, perfect cat wind! The reality was… a bit less aggressive. Low base wind, but infrequent gusts of around 10 knots could give the sailors a bit of a thrill.

We had 6 participants in the regatta, Jean, Annie, Olivier (in a RS-CAT16) and Ken, Martin, Hong (in a Hobie 18). We sailed a windward-leeward course, which is more typical of cat races than the triangle we use on Wednesdays.

We got three 30-40 minute races in, all told. Ken, Martin, and Hong were nailing their starts, especially in the 3rd race (crossing the line with speed about a second after the whistle). The gusts were favouring Ken, Hong and Martin, at one point even having them fly a hull! Meanwhile, the lulls were thwarting Jean, Olivier and Annie, hurting their upwinds. They were holding their own and making up time on the downwinds, but not enough to outpace the Hobie’s upwind gains.

Due to prior comittments of some of the racers, we elected to skip lunch and race until 12:30 before calling it a day. At the end of it all, we had 3 races, 3 victories for the Hobie 18, and 3 second-place finishes for the RS-CAT16. Thanks to all for coming out! Maybe we’ll get a few more boats on the start line next year.

Weekly Racing

The weather has not been cooperative on Wednesdays, forcing us to cancel three (THREE!!!!) weeks of racing in a row – it’s either been thunderstorms and huricanes, or absolutely dead air.

We were able to get a couple of nights in recently though… A (very) light wind Jul 31 race saw 2 of the 9 boats finish and the others having to abandon (which means they all tied for 3rd). Aug 7 was a bit better, getting 3 races in, although still a light-wind night. Our instructor Danika got out with Steve in the fabled 29er and even got the spinakker up!

Photo courtesy of Deb McPhedran

Despite the light wind, the night had some of the closest action I’ve seen at KSC in a while — 3 boats were seconds apart at the start line for the third race. Tom and Yours Truely even had an RS-CAT16 battle with Jean/Liz/Karen with the two equally matched boats trading places all the way along the first legs of the race (until a tactical mistake by myself allowed them to walk away on the second upwind). Good times!

Updated season stats below. I don’t think there’s much hope of catching Steve at this point (his “drop races” include a 1st place finish) but there’s still lots of opportunity to move around in the rest of the standings. Special shout-out to 11-year-old Nora who’s sitting in 5th place, despite having to deal with Mike holding her back 😉

2ndKen S(3.0)2.0(5.0) DNC)
3rdMike L2.03.01.0(6.0 DNC)(5.0)4.04.0(6.0)1.03.0 DNF3.02.0(6.0 DNC)46.023.0
4thLiz(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF4.0 Crew4.0 Crew3.0 Crew64.030.0
5thNora2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)6.0 Crew1.0 Crew(15.0 DNC)3.0 Crew2.0 Crew6.0 DNC77.030.0
6thJason(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)(6.0 DNC) DNF5.0 Crew5.0 Crew64.034.0
7thMark4.0 Crew4.0 Crew4.0 Crew1.0 Crew4.05.0(9.0)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC84.043.0
8thCarla6. DNC)(7.0)5.03.0(7.0 DNF)3.0 DNF(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC75.043.0
9thRobert4. DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)7.04.0(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC92.045.0
10thJean5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF4.
11thTom N7.0 Crew7.0 Crew6.0 Crew4.0 Crew6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)(8.0 Crew)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF6.0 DNF5.
12thOlivier(7.0) DNF(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC80.049.0
13thDanika9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew97.050.0
14thBurak2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC97.050.0
15thHannah(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC3.0 Crew3.0 Crew2.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC91.050.0
16thKaren(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF4.0 Crew4.0 Crew3.0 Crew93.052.0
17thStefan(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF5.
18thAnnie(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)8.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC93.059.0
19thEllen(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC4.0 Crew5.0 Crew(9.0 Crew)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC101.059.0
20thDeb(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC103.062.0
20thCorrine(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC103.062.0
20thLeopold(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC103.062.0
23rdTony5.06.07.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC109.062.0
23rdMerve5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC109.062.0
25thAaron(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC8.0(10.0)6.0(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC107.064.0
26thEric(8.0)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0(9.0)7.0(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC105.064.0
27thStephen(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(9.0)6.0(10.0)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC108.065.0
28thShiela9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNF8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC114.067.0

KSC Racing Update

Hi folks,

Your KSC Sailing Director here with some updates about racing the year.

First of all – if you’ve never been racing, come on out on a Wednesday, and we’ll get you in a boat! It’s a great excuse for a sail, it is totally laid back and friendly, and we have a ‘nobody left ashore’ policy. Show up at the club somewhere been 5:30 and 6:00, and we’ll match skippers/crew on the fly. If you want to sail, we’ll make it happen! New sailors welcome!

Ken, Steve, and Olivier/Tom (behind Ken’s sail) at the start line for Race 1

Looking for Organizers/volunteers – 12-Mile-Island, Cat Regatta

We have tentatively set dates of Saturday July 13 for the 12-Mile-Island race and August 10 for the catamaran regatta. If you have an organizational bent in you, or are otherwise interrested in helping out, please contact me at [email protected]. The organization isn’t that difficult, it’s mostly get word of the event out to likely participants, and figure out if you need support like a race-committee (and if so, who’s going to do it).

Wednesday Race Season

Our annual weekday series is well underway. Once again, we’re aiming for short courses with lots of short races. The first couple of race nights went great (getting in 7 races over the two nights) but the 3rd race night was cancelled due to lack of wind. Hopefully we’ll get some luck in the coming weeks. Steve, Ken and Mike have taken an early lead (full standings below) but it’s not too late! We discard results for one out of every the races, so even if you’ve missed a few weeks, had a bad night in the standings, or anything like that then the scroring system automatically doesn’t count your worst results

Quest/Feva Head Start

Last year, we noticed that the RS Quests and RS Fevas were often at the back of the fleet. This might be because the boats (especially Feva) are a bit slower than the Lasers and cats, but also they tend to be favoured by the recent learn-to-sail grads and by sailors bringing families/guests out. Either way, we figured we’d give the RS boats a bit of a head start this year. It gives the veterans in their fast-and-fancy boats a challenge (can I catch the RS boats?) and it gives the RS boats a fighting chance to celebrate a victory, instead of be resigned to the back of the fleet. Mike and his family were the first winners in a Quest, taking the 3rd race. We might tweak the system a bit later in the season, but so far people seem to be liking the system.

Current Standings (update Jul 4, 2024)

2ndKen S(3.0)2.0(5.0)
3rdMike L2.03.01.0(6.0 DNC)(5.0)4.04.0(6.0)
4thNora2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)6.0 Crew1.0 Crew51.019.0
5thMark4.0 Crew4.0 Crew4.0 Crew1.0 Crew4.05.0(9.0)(8.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)47.022.0
6thJason(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)6.0 DNC3.
7thLiz(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew(8.0 DNC)8.0 DNC49.024.0
8thRobert4. DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)
9thCarla6. DNC)(7.0)5.03.0(23.0 DNF)67.027.0
10thBurak2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNC8.0 DNC60.028.0
11thHannah(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC3.0 Crew3.0 Crew2.0 Crew(8.0 DNC)8.0 DNC54.029.0
13thEllen(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC4.0 Crew5.0 Crew(9.0 Crew)8.0 DNC8.0 DNC64.038.0
14thTom N7.0 Crew7.0 Crew6.0 Crew4.0 Crew6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)(8.0 Crew)(8.0 DNC)8.0 DNC62.038.0
15thTony5.06.07.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNC8.0 DNC72.040.0
15thMerve5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNC8.0 DNC72.040.0
15thJean5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNC8.0 DNC72.040.0
18thAaron(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC8.0(10.0)6.08.0 DNC8.0 DNC70.043.0
19thAnnie(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)8.0 Crew8.0 DNC8.0 DNC68.043.0
20thStephan(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(9.0)6.0(10.0)8.0 DNC8.0 DNC71.043.0
21stEric(8.0)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0(9.0)7.08.0 DNC8.0 DNC68.043.0
22ndShiela9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC10.0 DNC(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(23.0 DNS)8.0 DNC93.048.0

Race night in late season

KSC Awards and Race Results

Commodore Corinne Civalleri presenting the KSC Founding Member’s Award to 2018 recipient Tom Saunders, Past KSC Director of Training. Congratulations and thank you Tom!

Kanata Sailing Club Founding Member’s Award

The Kanata Sailing Club (KSC) Founding Member’s Award was created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Kanata Sailing Club in honour of the founding members of the club. This trophy is given to the member who has made outstanding contributions to the KSC and to the spirit of community sailing.

The past few years have been challenging for the Kanata Sailing Club both financially and through all the Covid-19 restrictions. Many members stepped in to help guide us over these hurdles putting the club in a better situation financially and accomplishing some big projects at the same time.

Since this award was forgotten for quite some time (it was above the sign-out board! -ed), the idea to resurrect and award this trophy at the KSC Annual Meeting (AM) for past years seemed appropriate. Thank you to the members who submitted the nominations in a very short timeline and for those who volunteered to be judges on the selection committee. We received 18 nominations! Next year, more time will be given for the nomination process and for volunteers to step forward for the selection committee.

The recipients for the KSC Founding Member’s Award for the past 6 years are:

  • 2018 Tom Saunders
  • 2019 Frank Boyaner
  • 2020 Ken Skublics
  • 2021 Deborah McPhedran
  • 2022 Steve Harrington
  • 2023 Stefan Bilan

Congratulations to all the recipients for your outstanding contributions, leadership and commitment to keep our club viable through these past challenging years. We appreciate your time and dedication.

Congratulations Mark Cooligan – 2023 Winner of the 12-Mile Island Circumnavigation Challenge for the Single-handed Monohull and Catamaran trophies

12-Mile Island Circumnavigation Challenge Awards

Since 2002, experienced KSC sailors have challenged each other to see who can sail 15 km upriver to 12-Mile Island, round the island and return to the club the most times in a season from opening day to closing day. Three trophies were donated to the members by Ken Eaves and the late Harry Adderley, who designed and fabricated the trophies.

This year, there were 16 competitors with 27 roundings of the island, plus an additional rounding after closing day. One of the competitors rounded 12-Mile Island 11 times winning 2 of the trophies – an extraordinary feat! The 2023 winners for the 12-Mile Island Circumnavigation Challenge trophies are:

  • Mark Cooligan, who won both the single-handed monohull (4 roundings) and catamaran (6 roundings) trophies with a total of 11 roundings as he also rounded the island once in a double-handed monohull with Steve Harrington.
  • Steve Harrington and Carla Millar won the double-handed monohull trophy for a total of 3 roundings, plus an additional rounding after closing day. Steve also had 2 additional roundings of the island, one solo and another with Mark Cooligan.

Congratulations to all the 2023 competitors for participating in this challenging, fun competition.

KSC Sailing Season – Final Race Series Results

This year’s weekly race series, held on Tuesday nights, went from low/no wind evenings to big winds/waves evenings, where you had to hang on to your tiller and sheets hoping not to capsize!

We had 24 participants come out to compete over the course of the summer series, including many new members. The apres race BBQs were always fun, where stories were shared and bragging rights observed on our newly renovated deck. A big thanks to the instructors Heidi Cloutier and Connor Quinlan for setting up the course and providing the RC boat which occasionally helped sailors needing assistance by righting their boats or towing them back to shore due to the low winds.

The top 10 finishers for the 2023 Final Race Series are:

  1. Steve Harrington
  2. Carla Millar
  3. Mark Cooligan
  4. Liz Prentice Hudson
  5. Jean Mullan
  6. Jason McKenna
  7. Annie Miller
  8. Rob Zgraggen
  9. Mike Lepard
  10. Tom Neumann

Congratulations to all the competitors for coming out each week and a special thanks to Carla Millar for stepping in as Sailing Director when Mike Reece broke his ankle.

Carla Millar presenting Steve Harrington and Mark Cooligan with 12-Mile Island Race Day trophy

12-Mile Island Race Day

It was a big day for the 12-Mile Island Race Day with shifty winds. There were 15 competitors in 9 boats including one of our new learn-to-sail graduates.

To enjoy the hilarious details of that event, you will want to read (or re-read) the race report by event organizer Carla Millar on the overboard coolers, broken hiking straps and death roll capsize practises.

Congratulations to Steve Harrington and Mark Cooligan on winning the 2023 12-Mile Island Race Day. List of 2023 finishers and participants:

  1. Steve Harrington and Mark Cooligan
  2. Ken Skublics
  3. Rob Zgraggen and Bianca Helmus
  4. Frank Boyaner and Jean Mullan
  5. Heidi Cloutier and Connor Quinlan
  6. Tom Neumann and Xiong Xue
  7. Stefan Bilan
  8. Eric Andrews and Devin Linnington
  9. Jason McKenna – turned back early

Congratulations to all the sailors who took on this challenging race and winds. A big thank you to Carla Millar for organizing the day and creating a lovely new trophy.

Steve & Mark won the '23 12mi island race

12 Mile Island Race

Last Saturday’s 12 Mile Is race (held July 22nd) brought with it warm sunny skies with highs of 25c and winds from the west northwest at 10 kts. The wind pouring in from up river promised to also deliver gusts of 20 kts throughout the day and the idea that rounding the island would give the sailors the ability to cut loose and fly downwind back towards the club. With 9 sailboats all vying for bragging rights and the top winning prize, the weather didn’t fail.

The first to cross the start line was Steve and Mark in the Tasar. They did not disappoint as they beated up river towards the island in just under 2 hours. The 50 minute ride back gave their tense and tired muscles a much needed brake as they soared back and planed downwind to a 4th spot elapsed time finish just behind the 3 catamarans. Their sailing handicap placed them at the head of the leader board with several boats yet to finish.

Rob and Bianca in the Hobie 18 repeated their first place elapsed time result from 2 years ago. The wind didn’t allow for any dining on board this time as it was all hands on deck to deal with the winds. The handicap pushed them back into 3rd place while awaiting the other results.

Heidi and Connor, our fearless sailing instructors, very quickly took over the lead on their way up to 12 Mile Is. in the Hobie 18. As they approached the island, they pondered “How does one exactly gybe this beast anyway?” Having not yet read the Cat sailing manual, Connor resorted to a type of “parkour” sailing style as he threw the tiller extension one way around the back of the boat while simultaneously diving under the boom and catching said tiller on the other side. With thoughts of capsizing swirling in her head with each of these maneuvers, Heidi suffered a trapeze wardrobe malfunction and found herself launched and landing on her skipper Connor in the middle of his parkour maneuvers. A miraculous third place finish would have to suffice for the time being.

Frank and Jean, sailing the stylish RS cat, set out with hopes of an exhilarating ride, planing and surfing their way back to the club. The winds delivered but denied them their lunch experience on the water except for a quick snack of boiled eggs that Frank exclaimed was “the best thing ever!“

Ken, racing in his Laser, streamed across the finish line in quick time, shortly behind the Tasar despite the death roll practices he performed on the way back to the finish, proving again that one can be ejected from a laser and make it back in the boat in just under 1 minute.

Stephan, in the “Bomb” Bombardier, settled in for a full day’s sailing along with his construction cooler filled with a days allotment of food. Finding himself hungry before arriving up river to Pinhey’s Point, Stefan reached for 1 of the many items packed away in his cooler only to have his boat simultaneously give up both hiking straps. While tumbling upside down into the water, Stefan could only think of one important thing: My Cooler! A few successful man overboard maneuvers brought back the food bin into the boat, while Stefan faced some tricky sailing for the rest of the trip without any hiking straps.

Tom and newly qualified sailor Xiong set out in the Quest for the challenge of rounding 12 miles Is. With Tom sporting an old but new bright orange Dry Top, it was sure to allow us the ability to spot him where ever they sailed on the river. He was heard exclaiming that it was now “his new best friend.” This is Xiong’s first rounding. Congratulations are in hand.

Eric and Devin brought up the rear in the other Quest. The two red heads left in a pale condition when they set out only to return in a lovely shade of “pink lobster” upon arrival. 5 hours and 30 minutes in the sun was a challenge to both but they made it safely back to the club. Well done.

Special thanks to Jason who escorted the flotilla as far as Pinhey’s point in his sporty Musto.

Results including Portsmouth Yardstick Handicap

  1. Steve Harrington and Mark Cooligan
  2. Ken Skublics
  3. Rob Zgraggen and Bianca Helmus
  4. Frank Boyaner and Jean Mullan
  5. Heidi Cloutier and Connor Quinlan
  6. Tom Newman and Xiong Xue
  7. Stefan Bilan
  8. Eric Andrews and Devin Linnington

Carla Millar
Acting Sailing Director and Event RC

Race Night Tuesday 27 June 2023

Hello KSC Sailors out there:

What started out to be another drift fest for race night with about 4 kts of wind quickly became a challenging windy race event. With 5 sailboats set to hash it out for top spot on  the leaderboard, the wind picked up to 10 kts towards the start of race 1 with gusts of 18 kts then held steady throughout the rest of race 2. Carla and Steve on the 29er didn’t disappoint as they demonstrated to the fleet how to capsize in the middle of a spinnaker kite dousing while simultaneously being nailed by a gust. Jean, with Annie flying by on the RS cat, saw an opportunity of pulling ahead especially since Jason on the Musto Skiff adopted the same capsizing tactics as Steve and Carla.  Unfortunately hope of a win for Jean and Annie were dashed once Carla and Steve managed to douse their kite in the water then right the 29 er and sail on to victory in Race 1. Fear of running over the entire fleet Jean and Annie settled for a 3rd place finish.  Mike L, happily sailing in the laser and full of McDonald’s hamburgers, passed by in second place while Tom, Marc W and our newbie and ever so keen learner Ruth (welcome Ruth) held tight in 4th place.  Race 2 didn’t disappoint either. Jason felt a few more capsize practices are always a good thing so proceeded to carry on. Annie and Jean heard a cold bevvie calling their names so bailed after race 1 and the trio of Marc, Tom and Ruth held steady to capture 3rd place. Race Results are as follows. 


  3. JEAN and ANNIE
  5. JASON

Race 2


– Carla Millar acting sailing director

[Editor note: Our current sailing director Mike Reece was injured in a hiking accident, Carla will be taking over race nights for the summer.]

12 Mile Island Results & Race Night #4

Race night Wed 11 Aug 2021

Only 3 boats showed for race night with very light winds but when we approached the start line the winds picked up to 12 kts or so and gave us a great couple of races. The odd configuration sent Carla in the wrong direction not once but twice with Ken in the steady lead. She caught him on a few legs but lost the challenge after a tough fight. Jean gave Liz her first intro to Cat sailing with smiles all around. They put in a competitive effort but the diminishing wind offered no breaks for the Hobie in the end and they were not able to finish the last race.


  1. Ken S  Race 1&2
  2. Carla Race 1&2
  3. Jean and Liz Race 1 and DNF Race 2

12 Mile Island Race Sat 14 Aug 2021

The morning started with promises of moderate winds WSW at 15 km. By start time for all 8 vessels, the rounding of 12 Mile Is. was going to be putting all of their sailing talents and skills to the test as the winds picked up from WSW 25-30 km.  The first of the sailboats set out with fair winds and hopes of glory, the Harry Adderley trophies for the taking and hopes of a stop at the Poutine Barge just up river. That’s what lured Leopol out with his mum Corinne in the Tasar. Until of course Corinne, in her eager bid to show Leopol how you sail in big wind, forgot the most important task on hand, PUTTING HER  FEET UNDER the hiking straps. Finding herself out of the boat and her son alone in the boat, Corinne’s attempt to not be totally left behind, discovered the hand grabs on the inside of the Tasar cockpit and hung on for dear life while being dragged alongside the sailboat for some distance. Round and round they went. Her desperate pleas to head up wind and un-cleat the Jib went unanswered as Leopol reminded her that he couldn’t with her demands by exclaiming “Mama my hands are much too sore, I can’t do that!.”  until finally Corinne found her way flopping onto the sailboat. A short trip was had as they eventually made their way back followed by another capsize pushed by winds of 25-35 kms that drove them to shore and Leopol again exclaiming “I cannot help you  Mama, my hands, Too Sore!!” Frank and Jean headed out in the Hobie 16, eager to finally get going, equipped with everything they needed for such a long arduous journey, including a full lunch spread prepared by Jean. Did I hear wine glasses clinking? NWN 30-44 km strong winds and driving waves forced the pair to turn back at the Marina, dashing any hopes of a beautiful lunch on board and trophy in hand. Steve set out in the “Farr 3.7” home built. Attempting to be Farr and away, Steve also made it as Farr as the Marina but decided that hanging off the trapeze wire with the winds now blowing a steady 30-35 kms with gusts and large waves that left him at times dangling and swinging off the wire like a puppet in a circus act wasn’t worth the long journey.  The other sailboats passing nearby did comment that he made trapezing look easy despite the winds.  He managed to stay upright all the way back and quite enjoyed the ride until the last minute, in front of a waiting crowd on shore, he proceeded to capsize while lifting his rudder. We enjoyed that for sure!. Devin rang the shore crew from an area still unknown further up river saying his large sail on his windsurfer type sailboat was too much for the conditions and decided to quit while he was ahead and turned around but not before informing us of Tom’s cruising in the Laser near the Quebec shore. Several capsizes later, we were informed by a nice guy on a SeaDoo that Tom needed rescuing. He was found doing his Blue Heron impersonation, wading along the sandy shore line in the  marshes looking for fish and any way out of not having to sail the Laser back. Cold and tired he was greeted with smiles by the rescue boat of Frank and Steve where he happily traded seats with Steve who sailed the Laser back. Glad you were OK Tom. Heidi, Zsombor and Csanad, sporting scant but fashionable swimsuits and life jackets, set out for their fun in the sun adventure in the Albacore. Armed with nothing but a jug of water and several granola bars, they reached the welcomed shores of Port of Call Marina. Half Frozen and in need of Poutine refuelling, they were found doing the lizard thing, baking on the rocks for 2 hours to absorb enough radiant heat to sustain them for the remainder of their trip around the Island. Returning in just over 7 hours and 5 mins, the crew likely set an all time record of the longest rounding. The rescue squad, AKA Frank, Jean and Steve were kept waiting for their safe return.  Frank, who was ready to leave hours beforehand, resorted to being a permanent fixture on his recliner beach chair yet again. Ken S. set out to have a leisurely fun sail in his laser but decided after the strong winds carried him practically to 12 Mile Island that he might as well just join the pursuit and continue in the hunt for that prized 1st place finish. Carla, the PRO, was convinced he had headed in the opposite direction and had likely gone to a pub somewhere to celebrate the nearing of the end of training season, when he failed to return after 2 and a half hours. After several death rolls and practice capsizes, Ken appeared unscathed to capture 2nd place.  That left the 8th vessel , the other Hobie 16, carrying Newlyweds Robert and Bianca, fighting for top spot on the leader board. Nearing the Island, the couple went searching for a secluded romantic spot to stay but left empty handed.  Armed with a competitive spirit, the newlyweds decided to head back to the KSC on a blistering fun, fast surf in a mere 2h 29 mins to capture 1st place.  Congrats!


  1. Robert and Bianca  1st place
  2. Ken Skublics,  2nd place
  3. Zsombor, Heidi and Csanad 3rd place
  4. The rest:  survived!

Carla—KSC Sailing Director

KSC Race Night #2: July 21, 2021

9 Boats presented to the start line on Wednesday evening with a wind building to 15-20 kms and gusting to 30. Under warm skies, sailors partnered up with others that haven’t sailed in over 2 years. Jean took Annie in a H16 to familiarize themselves with the Hobie for the regatta on Saturday.  Carla forgot the main piece of equipment for the Farr, the hiking harness, so sent Steve out in it instead to watch him battle the power of the gusts. Jason showed up with his 29er and sailed with Carla on helm. Brave lad. Tom discovered the cats again and teamed up with Tony in the Nacra 17. The Ken’s had some fun rides on the lasers, putting in again some great performances, while Robert with Corrine and Leopold flew around the course on the H18 to gain practice and hopefully an advantage for the upcoming Cat regatta. Zsombor broke free of the instructor’s clutches and had a fun sail as well.

Thx to our RC : Heidi and Connor


Race 1

  1. Robert/Corinne/Leopold
  2. Ken S
  3. Jean/Annie
  4. Zsombor
  5. Steve
  6. Ken E
  7. Jason/Carla
  8. Tony/Tom
  9. Bruce DNS


  1. Robert/Corinne/Leopold
  2. Ken S
  3. Steve
  4. Carla
  5. Zsombor
  6. Jean/Annie
  7. Ken E
  8. Tony/Tom OCF
  9. Bruce DNS


  1. Steve
  2. Ken
  3. Zsombor
  4. Robert/Corinne/Leopold
  5. Rest of fleet : DNS

Carla : Sailing Director

Catamaran Regatta Results

From July 24, 2021.

The 9th annual Cat Regatta got off without a hitch on Saturday morning with 4 vessels fighting it out for Top Cat bragging rights. Winds blew at a steady 20 kms with some fun gusts up to 33 kms/hr and a warm breeze at 28c. Liam was unfortunately unable to make it to the event so calls went out to other would-be Cat competitors. Robert showed up last minute after discovering that vacuuming on a Saturday morning wasn’t as exciting as he had thought, so joined Corinne on helm and Tom on crew on the H18. Tony and Frank had a few tricks up their sleeves heading to the start in Tony’s Nacra 17. Nathan pulled Connor from the RC to show him what fun can be had in a H18 and adopted him as crew. Jean and Annie had such a great finish on Wednesday race night that they teamed up again to show us their feral cat claws and put in some stiff competition. 

The first race showed Tony and Frank with a brilliant start with 3 other competitors trailing but fell to the back of the pack despite Nathan and Connor shredding their jib. Even a wicked tape job wouldn’t hold out for the second race so found the lads changing jibs at the lunch hour break. Jean and Annie, sporting the colours of the French flag on the main, stirred  competitive jitters in Corinne . It didn’t faze her in the end as she/Robert and Tom finished in first place.

Race 2 saw some close roundings of the first mark with all 3 vessels in a pack, jostling for the lead. Tony and Frank struggled to find their footing but discovered that some necessary sail adjustments would give them a welcomed boost of speed their boat so badly needed.  The wind found the cats flying around the course in race 2 before stopping for a nutrition break.

Race 3 found Nathan and Connor nearly capsizing near the upwind mark as the winds picked up to 25-30 kms/hr. Frank and Tony pulled in closely behind in 3rd place with hopes of overtaking while Jean and Steve (Annie had abandoned racing with better plans downtown) caught them at the rounding to take over the lead. With Frank at the helm and Tony on Jib, a brilliant race was had, as the Nacra flew to a very close 4th place just 3 seconds behind the 3rd vessel.

Race 4 had all 4 vessels cramming at the reaching mark before heading up with Jean and Steve giving way to a pushy Nathan and Connor yelling for buoy room.

Race 5,  Corinne/Robert and Tom suffered a massive wardrobe malfunction as their jib also split in 2, resulting in Tom standing on the bow acting as both figurehead and rip stopper. This placed them back in 3rd place allowing Frank and Tony to creep ever so close.  Jean and Steve were seen flying on one pontoon only to have Jean teabag Steve just to cool him off after rounding the upwind mark. Nathan and Connor were too far ahead to notice.


Race 1

  1. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  2. Nathan/Connor
  3. Jean/Annie
  4. Tony/Frank

Race 2:

  1. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  2. Nathan/Connor
  3. Jean/Annie
  4. Tony/Frank (OCF)

Race 3

  1. Nathan/Connor
  2. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  3. Jean/Steve
  4. Tony/Frank

Race 4

  1. Nathan/Connor
  2. Jean/Steve
  3. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  4. Frank/Tony

Race 5

  1. Nathan/Connor
  2. Jean/Steve
  3. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  4. Frank/Tony


1st place, Top Cat …..Nathan and Connor
2nd place, Medium Cat…..Corinne/ Tom/ Robert
3rd place, Kitten award….Jean/ Annie/ Steve
4th place, Participation award…Tony/Frank

Congratulations to all competitors,
Carla –Sailing Director.