Saturday, July 15th is the date for the Kanata Sailing Club’s party of the season, our annual SailPast. This event is held after the first training sessions have been completed, so we have an opportunity to meet and greet our newest Blue Tag sailors.
Noon: Choose your boat, rig and decorate your craft with streamers, balloons etc. Dress yourself as you like
2 pm: Cast off to SailPast our Commodore
Then enjoy the rest of the afternoon on the water!
5 pm: gather on the deck for “cocktails”
6 pm: BBQ Dinner! Rumour has it that a suckling pig is being prepared, along with Salads and Dessert
RSVP Social Director Tom at [email protected] ASAP so we have a head-count for food
Indicate alternate food preferences to Tom and arrangements will be made
Pay in cash for the BBQ to the Social Director
$20 per adult; $10 for 18s and under
BYOB and the club provides a selection of non-alcoholic beverages