Revised 2007-03-11. Approved by the Board 2007-03-20.
These rules describe the privileges and obligations of club members. The rules are subservient to the By-Laws of the Kanata Sailing Club (KSC).
a) Family Membership: up to two principal adults who reside at the same address plus their immediate family under 18 years old.
b) Single Membership: a single adult 18 years or older.
c) Student Membership: full time adult student 18 to 24 years of age (inclusive). Proof of full-time registration at a secondary or post-secondary educational institution is required.
d) Social Membership: entitled to make use of club shore facilities only; no boating privileges.
All KSC members must complete and sign a current application form that has the required liability release clause.
Only qualified skippers may take charge of club owned boats. Qualified Skippers are divided into two classes, Blue and Red.
a) Blue tag. A blue tag rating is closely equivalent to the Canadian Yachting Association’s CAN Sail 2 level. In order to qualify for a blue tag, a sailor must be:
i) A Principal Adult in a Family Membership, a Single or a Student Member, and;
ii) Checked out by a club training instructor in an Albacore class (or similar) boat.
Successful check out is recognized by award of a blue KSC tag.
A blue tag skipper is entitled to use all club boats with the exception of catamarans.
b) Red tag. A red tag skipper must be:
i) Previously a blue tag skipper, and;
ii) Checked out by a club catamaran training instructor in a catamaran.
Successful catamaran check out is recognized by award of a red KSC tag.
A red tag skipper is entitled to use all club boats.
Qualified skippers may make use of a club owned boat correctly posting the appropriate tags on the tag board in the clubhouse. When using a boat the qualified skipper acknowledges his/her responsibility for the boat and its safe operation. The responsibility remains with that qualified skipper until the boat is returned to shore, unrigged and secured with all equipment stowed and tags removed from the board. Responsibility may also be relinquished when another qualified skipper takes over the boat by posting the appropriate tags on the tag board.
For a boat normally sailed by two or more persons, the qualified skipper who has tagged the boat shall normally be on board the boat when it is sailed. In the case of guest sailors from other sailing clubs or who have provided evidence of sailing competence, the guest may skipper the boat providing he/she remains under the close visual supervision of the qualified skipper. Similarly, for one-person boats and sailboards, the qualified skipper may permit another member (adult or non adult) or guest to sail the boat under the supervision and responsibility of the qualified skipper. KSC members undertaking training may skipper a boat provided they are visually supervised by a qualified skipper or designated trainer.
Club catamarans may only be used by red tag skippers.
Upon return of a club boat the skipper must note any necessary repairs in the boat maintenance log book. If in his or her opinion the deficiency renders the boat dangerous to sail or risks the further integrity of the boat the skipper should indicate the boat as being out of service on the tag board.
In the event of an easily repairable problem the skipper should effectuate a repair immediately.
From time to time, the club shall take certain boats out of service for maintenance reasons. These boats shall be indicated on the tag board in the clubhouse. These boats should not be sailed until returned to service by the Harbourmaster.
Family and single members are welcome to sail their own insured boats from KSC.
As a safety precaution, members are advised to use the tag board in the same manner as for club boats.
Privately owned boats kept on the club’s premises must be registered with the club and current fees paid. KSC reserves the right to dispose of any non-registered boats and/or trailers. The storage of privately owned boats inside the club house is not permitted. Any such boats will be taken outside without notice, and a fine of $125 levied against the boat owner.
Members are expected to contribute a reasonable amount of time and effort to assist the operation of KSC. In becoming a member, an individual accepts that he or she will be called upon to contribute to tasks such as a duty day, boat maintenance, work parties, etc.. Members register their preferences for duties on the annual membership renewal form.
The Duty Officer will be one of the Duty Crew and his or her prime purpose is to assist with the safety and security of club members and property. Other duties are set out in the Duty Manual.
a) At all times while boating (sailboat, sailboard or patrol boat) all members shall wear properly sized life jackets or personal floatation devices which meet Ministry of Transportation standards and shall carry a sound-signalling device (whistle).
b) All club boats must carry a heaving line of not less then 15m length.
c) All club boats, other than Lasers and the Byte, must carry at least one paddle. The daggerboard or rudder of the Laser and Byte classes may be used as an alternate propelling device if required.
d) All club boats, other than Lasers, the Byte and catamarans, must carry one bailer.
e) The maximum number of persons allowed at one time in club boats is:
Albacore: 3 adults, or 2 adults and 2 children.
Tasar: 2 adults or 1 adult and 2 children.
Laser: 1 adult or adult and 1 child to a combined maximum of 150 kg.
Byte: 1 adult to a maximum of 150 kg.
Hobie 18 ft: 3 adults or 2 adults plus 2 children maximum to a maximum of 250 kg.
Hobie 16ft: 2 adults or 2 adults plus 1 child maximum to a maximum of 250 kg.
Safety boat: 6 persons.
In light conditions, 1 person may be added to all classes.
It is strongly recommended that Albacores, Tasars and catamarans be sailed with a minimum of two persons. However, under light conditions it is acceptable for experienced sailors to single-hand these boats if proper preparations have been made for rescue. Under white cap conditions the two-sailor minimum shall apply.
f) Members must wear soft-soled shoes when sailing. Please note that open toed sandals are not recommended.
g) Night sailing is not permitted in club boats. Use of club boats is permitted only between the hours of sunrise and sunset as published in the local newspapers.
Because sailing conditions vary widely during the season, it is not possible to set definitive rules regarding provision for rescue. Before sailing, and particularly when alone at KSC, it is incumbent on members to be aware of their potential survival time in the prevailing conditions. Information to help assess this, such as recent water temperature readings and a chart relating survival time to air water temperatures, may be provided in the Clubhouse. Members shall make adequate provision for their rescue within the self help time and before nightfall. Such measures can range from arranging for someone to come to the Club if a phone call is not received by a preset time to having the Patrol Boat accompany the sailor in extreme conditions.
Members involved in or witnessing an incident with safety implications should make a report by completing an Incident Report Form and submitting to any member of the Board.. The forms may be completed anonymously. The Vice-Commodore will investigate the incident and make recommendations to reduce the likelihood of similar situations.
a) All club boats and sailboards must be properly rigged before use and properly de-rigged after use. New skippers who are unsure of proper rigging and de-rigging procedure should request assistance from a more experienced skipper.
b) Skippers must not leave the site without de-rigging a club boat that they have signed out unless the boat is signed out by another qualified skipper. Skippers may be called back to the club to de-rig their boat.
c) Switching equipment or rigging among club boats or between a club boat and a private boat is not permitted except by the Harbourmaster or his/her designate.
d) A club sailboat is properly de-rigged and secured when:
- The stern of the vessel is at least one metre from the edge of the water or as far up the beach as is reasonably feasible for prevailing water levels.
- Tires support the bow and stern.
- Rocks are placed behind the dolly wheels.
- The boat is drained and the inside bottom of the hull has been cleaned with water and the drain in the transom has been opened to permit drainage of rainwater.
- Buoyancy tank vents/drains are left open.
- The boom, bailer and two paddles are left on board, or for Lasers the boom, mast, and sail are stored the in the proper location.
- The mainsail and jib are folded to club specifications and stowed in the proper sail bag.
- The sail bag, rudder/tiller, Laser dagger board and life jackets/PFDs are put away in the clubhouse in their proper location.
- The tag board has been cleared of the appropriate tags.
- Defects are reported in the maintenance logbook. However, skippers are expected to carry out minor repairs whenever the need is found.
e) Persistent abuse of club boats or other property may result in the member’s privileges being revoked.
a) All damage to club boats or loss of equipment must be reported in the boat maintenance logbook.
b) Damage or equipment loss that is serious enough to prevent a club boat from being used must be reported to the Harbour Master as soon as possible. The skipper shall complete an Incident Report Form.
c) Members are not normally held financially responsible for accidental damage or equipment loss except in cases of negligence and/or breaking of club rules and regulations.
a) Only adult members may bring guests to the Club. The maximum number of times a particular guest is permitted to sail in a club boat or make use of club facilities per year is four, after which such visitors must take out a membership of their own.
b) A member who plans to host a group of ten (10) or more guests at one time must notify the Vice-Commodore so that the appropriate duty crew can be so advised of such arrangements.
c) Members who plan to host a group of any size should consult the Club calendar to avoid conflicts with other large events such as regattas or work parties.
A liquor license/permit must be obtained for any event where the club provides alcoholic beverages.
Pets are not permitted on the club site.
Swimming is allowed on the beach. Both sailors and swimmers are reminded to be mindful of each other’s presence on the waters at the KSC site and to always be on the lookout for each other.
While swimming, members and guests must observe the following:
- No jumping or diving off of the powerboat dock.
- No diving off the swim dock.