Club Policies and Operations

As a non-profit organization, the club is run by a volunteer Board of Directors and relies on the time and talents of its members to keep things running.

More information on club rules and policies is available in the following documents:

Club Rules Describe the privileges and responsibilities of club members.
KSC By-Laws Provide the legal framework under which the club is governed.
KSC Risk Management Plan Outlines risk management procedures and measures taken to avoid accidents and injuries at the club and to deal with them if they do occur.
Covid-19 Code of Conduct2023 Covid-19 code of conduct that every member must adhere to during the temporary pandemic restrictions.
KSC Code of Conduct 2023The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure a safe and positive environment within the programs, activities, and Events of Sail Canada, Ontario Sailing, and KSC by making all Individuals aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with KSC’s core values, mission, and policies.
Release and IndemnityMembership and trainee release and indemnity form that all members and trainees must accept when joining the club.
Safe Sport PoliciesSafe sport policies from Sail Canada
Concussion Code of ConductOntario Sailing Concussion Code of Canada. See more info here.
Accessibility StatementOur accessibility statement, outlining our equal access policy.