Category Archives: Commodore

Update to KSC Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation

Dear KSC Members,

We need your virtual presence and your vote on Wednesday September 18 via Google Meet to formally update club governance documents: both our Bylaws and our Articles of Incorporation. You’ll be asked to vote on Motion 1 to accept the 2024 Bylaws, and Motion 2 to accept the 2024 Articles of Incorporation.

Why? New Ontario legislation (ONCA 2010) has been handed down aimed at modernizing how not-for profit corporations such as the Kanata Sailing Club are created, operated, governed and dissolved. The new law requires that we update those two principal governing documents, the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. We must do this before October 18, 2024 in order to be compliant with the legislation.


The Bylaws govern how we manage the club, including such things as selection of a Board of Directors, board members’ roles and responsibilities, membership categories and the conduct of meetings.  It’s a document members should be familiar with.

The Bylaws were updated by a club committee (listed below) and have been approved by the Board of Directors. Now the Bylaws have to be ratified by our Membership.  This is where you come into the picture. 

We will be holding a virtual Special Meeting (link above), at which time you will be asked to approve of the updated Bylaws. We believe this approach will make the meeting simpler to manage.  We need approval by 2/3rds of those who attend.

For context, clarifications were made throughout, and specifically in the following areas:

  • Added clarity around the removal and appointment of Directors;
  • Updated the Conflict of Interest clause; and,
  • Expanded Family Memberships to include dependents living at the parental home.

Both the current (2012) and updated (2024) versions of the bylaw are available on our Website here.

You are invited to review the document. As members, you are most directly impacted by Articles 5 and 6, entitled Members and Meeting of Members. 

Motion No. 1 that you will be asked to vote on will be: “a Motion to approve the Bylaws in the form presented and included with notice of meeting of the Members”.


ONCA also requires that we update our Articles of Incorporation. The motivation for these updates is that the Ontario government wants to make sure that club assets are well-managed for the benefit of the people of Ontario, particularly when a non-profit benefits from public funding, as we do. We need approval by 2/3rds of those who attend.

You can find the Articles of Amendment on our Website here.

Motion No. 2 that you will be asked to vote on is: “a Motion to approve the Articles of Amendment in the form presented and included with notice of meeting of the Members”.


We look forward to seeing as many voting members as possible at the Virtual Special Meeting. If you are an Adult member with Honorary, Family, Single, or Student membership, you have a right to vote.

Each voting member is permitted to serve as proxy holder (hold the right to vote) for one other voting member who is unable to make the meeting. A simple email confirming this must be sent to Olivier, our Corporate Secretary, before the Special Meeting begins. This must contain instructions to the proxy holder who may either be instructed to vote at will, or may be given specific voting instructions for Motion 1 and Motion 2.

Questions relating to Bylaws can be sent to Tim, our Vice Commodore, who was heading up this effort. Questions relating to the updated Articles of Incorporation can be sent to Deb, our Commodore.


Many thanks go out to Tim Stahl, our Vice Commodore, who took on the Bylaws task with input from Jean Mullan, Liz Prentice-Muir, and Deb McPhedran for the Articles of Incorporation.

Members helping during Launch Day

Launch Day Next Saturday 9am-3pm

April 22 is Next Weekend!

Start thinking about your best chili recipe for the potluck, and email Tom soon at [email protected] if you plan to bring one.

We hope to see plenty of members, old and new, at the club working together to start getting boats and the clubhouse ready for the new sailing season. This event takes place rain or shine.

To bring:

  • gloves and work wear
  • battery powered tools if you have ’em
  • items that you volunteered to store over the winter 

Our exciting plans for the day:

  • Flipping and rigging the RS Quests and Fevas
  • Moving Lasers & Bytes out of the clubhouse and assembling their dollies
  • Taking the Optis out from under the deck to the beach
  • Moving the power boats down to the beach
  • Getting the dock setup in the water
  • Potluck chili when we wrap for the day (BYOB if desired)

We’re fortunate that certain resourceful members have offered to lend us their generator for keeping chili crock-pots warm. That’s right, no hydro as yet, but watch for brand new overhead lines as you drive down the club access road!

Looking forward to hitting the water and the new deck with everyone. See you next weekend.

2015 Albacore Internationals in Sarasota, Florida


If you’ve been thinking you might like to attend the Albacore Internationals in Sarasota, Florida this coming March, then please send an email to the KSC Commodore ([email protected]) or Mary Neumann, past Commodore at the Canadian Albacore Association ([email protected]).   If you are you looking for a helm, a crew, a car, a trailer, a place to stay or just encouragement to go and have a great time, we can help get you set up with other Albacore sailors from the KSC or the Ottawa area.

Check out the website

Let’s see how many boats we can get down to Florida!!

Alymer Island Event: Saturday, August 9

Are you looking for an excuse to get out for a sail?   Then you’ll want to be at the Club this Saturday.  All KSC members are invited to come out for a Sail to Alymer this coming Saturday.   Originally this event was planned as a sail to Alymer Island.  After the success of the Sailpast, several members have suggested that Alymer Marina is a better destination.

Gather at the Club for noon and we’ll decide where we’re going then.  Be ready to set sail at 1:00 P.M.

This is intended to be a casual affair with no specific agenda.  Come on out and enjoy a great sail with good company to a fun destination.

2014 SailPast: Saturday, July 19

Mark your Calendars !

On July 19th join your fellow club members for an afternoon sail over to Aylmer Marina followed by  a BBQ on the KSC deck. A great chance to meet other members and celebrate our recent sailing school graduates. Dinner will be $20 and will include steak or chicken, drinks and dessert.
Come for the sail and dinner or just for dinner.
Skippers meeting at 11am.
BBQ at 5pm.
Please RSVP before July 11th for dinner and indicate if you would prefer steak or chicken. Send RSVP to Ken at [email protected].
Looking forward to seeing you there !

KSC Albacore Sailors at NOD

Hats off Jim, Jake, Tom and Robert, KSC members who raced KSC boats at the Nepean One Design regatta this past weekend (June 21/22).   Happily, the wind showed up for Sunday and the sailing was great.   Apres-sail on the deck afterwards was pretty good too.  🙂

Thanks for flying the KSC colours!