Tag Archives: potluck

KSC Annual SailPast and BBQ

Saturday July 15th
RSVP to [email protected] by July 9th and  specify steak or chicken BBQ.
BBQ is $20 per person at the door with complimentary wine & beer.
BBQ at 6 pm catered by Dunrobin Meats .
Free hot dogs for children.
This day begins at noon with an optional sail to Aylmer Marina for a light lunch. Come dress up your boat with streamers and balloons and sail with us.
Commodores beware…

Social Sailing on Friday Evening

Friday night socials at KSC are now underway.
On Friday night we just sail – no course, no scores. Then we take time to enjoy a Potluck Supper on the deck. It is a great way to bring on the weekend and our deck is without a doubt the best in town.
Social Sailing is every Friday night all summer long.
Grab a burger, grab a beverage and join us on the water and on the deck.