12-Mile-Island Regatta, 2016 Registration

twelvemileislandphotoRegistration for the 12-Mile-Island Regatta is now closed

The event will be held on Saturday July 16, 2016.  Please see the Notice of Race (NoR) and Sailing Instructions (SIs, to be posted soon…) for event details, including how boat allocation will occur.

To register, enter the details of you and your team-mates below.  If you’re a lone skipper looking for crew (or crew looking for a skipper, or someone willing to do either) then send an e-mail to [email protected] and I’ll do my best to get you in touch with other sailors to form a team.

If you’re planning on sailing a club boat, we’ll work out who gets which hull the day of (i.e. of 4 teams all want Albacore 8033 then we’ll sort that out later… please see NoR/SIs for details).

The e-mail field is optional (not everyone likes to be spammed but the e-mail helps keep you informed of any changes, like if we have too many sign ups for a particular boat class, etc)