Tag Archives: catamaran

KSC Racing update and Cat Regatta results

Lots of action on the KSC racing scene, including updated season results, and the Catamaran Regatta on Sat Aug 10

Catamaran Regatta

The wind was forecast to be 8 gusting 12, or 10 gusting 18, or somewhere around there (depending on forecast model used). In other words, perfect cat wind! The reality was… a bit less aggressive. Low base wind, but infrequent gusts of around 10 knots could give the sailors a bit of a thrill.

We had 6 participants in the regatta, Jean, Annie, Olivier (in a RS-CAT16) and Ken, Martin, Hong (in a Hobie 18). We sailed a windward-leeward course, which is more typical of cat races than the triangle we use on Wednesdays.

We got three 30-40 minute races in, all told. Ken, Martin, and Hong were nailing their starts, especially in the 3rd race (crossing the line with speed about a second after the whistle). The gusts were favouring Ken, Hong and Martin, at one point even having them fly a hull! Meanwhile, the lulls were thwarting Jean, Olivier and Annie, hurting their upwinds. They were holding their own and making up time on the downwinds, but not enough to outpace the Hobie’s upwind gains.

Due to prior comittments of some of the racers, we elected to skip lunch and race until 12:30 before calling it a day. At the end of it all, we had 3 races, 3 victories for the Hobie 18, and 3 second-place finishes for the RS-CAT16. Thanks to all for coming out! Maybe we’ll get a few more boats on the start line next year.

Weekly Racing

The weather has not been cooperative on Wednesdays, forcing us to cancel three (THREE!!!!) weeks of racing in a row – it’s either been thunderstorms and huricanes, or absolutely dead air.

We were able to get a couple of nights in recently though… A (very) light wind Jul 31 race saw 2 of the 9 boats finish and the others having to abandon (which means they all tied for 3rd). Aug 7 was a bit better, getting 3 races in, although still a light-wind night. Our instructor Danika got out with Steve in the fabled 29er and even got the spinakker up!

Photo courtesy of Deb McPhedran

Despite the light wind, the night had some of the closest action I’ve seen at KSC in a while — 3 boats were seconds apart at the start line for the third race. Tom and Yours Truely even had an RS-CAT16 battle with Jean/Liz/Karen with the two equally matched boats trading places all the way along the first legs of the race (until a tactical mistake by myself allowed them to walk away on the second upwind). Good times!

Updated season stats below. I don’t think there’s much hope of catching Steve at this point (his “drop races” include a 1st place finish) but there’s still lots of opportunity to move around in the rest of the standings. Special shout-out to 11-year-old Nora who’s sitting in 5th place, despite having to deal with Mike holding her back 😉

2ndKen S(3.0)2.0(5.0) DNC)
3rdMike L2.03.01.0(6.0 DNC)(5.0)4.04.0(6.0)1.03.0 DNF3.02.0(6.0 DNC)46.023.0
4thLiz(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF4.0 Crew4.0 Crew3.0 Crew64.030.0
5thNora2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)6.0 Crew1.0 Crew(15.0 DNC)3.0 Crew2.0 Crew6.0 DNC77.030.0
6thJason(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(7.0 DNC)(6.0 DNC) DNF5.0 Crew5.0 Crew64.034.0
7thMark4.0 Crew4.0 Crew4.0 Crew1.0 Crew4.05.0(9.0)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC84.043.0
8thCarla6. DNC)(7.0)5.03.0(7.0 DNF)3.0 DNF(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC75.043.0
9thRobert4. DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)7.04.0(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC92.045.0
10thJean5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF4.
11thTom N7.0 Crew7.0 Crew6.0 Crew4.0 Crew6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)(8.0 Crew)(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)3.0 DNF6.0 DNF5.
12thOlivier(7.0) DNF(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC80.049.0
13thDanika9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)1.0 Crew1.0 Crew1.0 Crew97.050.0
14thBurak2.0 Crew3.0 Crew1.0 Crew6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC97.050.0
15thHannah(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC3.0 Crew3.0 Crew2.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC91.050.0
16thKaren(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF4.0 Crew4.0 Crew3.0 Crew93.052.0
17thStefan(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF5.
18thAnnie(9.0 DNC)(8.0 DNC)7.0 DNC6.0 DNC6.0 Crew(8.0 Crew)8.0 Crew(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC93.059.0
19thEllen(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC4.0 Crew5.0 Crew(9.0 Crew)(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC101.059.0
20thDeb(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC103.062.0
20thCorrine(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC103.062.0
20thLeopold(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC3.0 DNF8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC103.062.0
23rdTony5.06.07.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC109.062.0
23rdMerve5.0 Crew6.0 Crew7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC109.062.0
25thAaron(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC8.0(10.0)6.0(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC107.064.0
26thEric(8.0)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC7.0(9.0)7.0(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC105.064.0
27thStephen(9.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(9.0)6.0(10.0)9.0 DNC8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC108.065.0
28thShiela9.0 DNC8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC(10.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)(11.0 DNC)8.0 DNF8.0 DNC(15.0 DNC)8.0 DNC7.0 DNC6.0 DNC114.067.0

KSC Catamaran Regatta, Sat Aug 10

I was hesitatant to post speak too loudly about this based on the lack-of-wind we’ve been having this year, but it looks like the KSC Catamaran Regatta can take place, Sat Aug 10! Let’s hope the forecast doens’t change too much, and we’ll see how many races we can get in. No entry fee,


9:30-10:00 – Come to club, grab a boat, start rigging up
10:00 – Skipper’s meeting on deck
10:30 – First warning signal (3-min start sequence)
Around 12:00 – break for lunch (BYO sandwiches, snacks, etc)
Around 12:30 – resume racing
1:30 – latest possible time for a new start sequnce to begin
Around 2:00 – done racing, head back to KSC and de-rig
3:00 – results announced

This is a chance for all you multi-hull fans to go head-to-head with your fellow cat sailors. Those who normally come out to our weekly races will notice a slight change in the course (although it might look familiar to anyone watching the Olympics this year).

Boats like cats and skiffs generally sail much faster downwind on a broad reach than going directly downwind. As such, windward-leeward courses are typically used for these boats. We’ll use a 2-lap course for the regatta.

  • cross start line
  • first upwind leg (round mark to port)
  • first downwind leg
  • pass through gate – round either the mark to starboard, or the comittee boat to port
  • second upwind leg (round mark to port)
  • second downwind leg (finish through gate)
2-Lap Windward-Leeward course

Why a Windward-Leeward course? The short answer is because it allows more chances for tactical decisions. Boats like cats sail faster downwind on a broad reach than pointed directly downwind. This means on a leeward leg, you’re probably going to be reaching. If we used a triangular course and a gybe mark, then it forces everyone to reach in the same direction, and the race becomes somewhat processional. By using a windward-leeward course, it give you the option to reach to either side of the course – good sailors will be able to make decisions about which side has the better wind speed/direction/etc, and can take advantage of their skills to perhaps pass boats which made the wrong choice. Similarly, having a gate at the bottom of the course allows a boat to come in on either tack and round in the direction of their choice, to better put themself in contention. Port/starboard rules still apply though, so beware if you’re the port-tack boat screaming into the gate 🙂

NOTICE OF RACE: KSC Cat Regatta Saturday 26 August 2023

Saturday, 26 August 2023
Rain Date will be Sunday 27 August 2023
Registration: 0930-1000h
Skipper’s Meeting: 1010h
First start: 1045h
Final race before: 1515h

The Kanata Sailing Club is pleased to announce its 10th annual Open
Catamaran Regatta Saturday, 26 August 2023. This event is open to KSC
members. Guests are welcome to join as crew members if space is available.
Please let the sailing director know if you have guests who wish to sail. All types
of catamarans are welcome to compete.

There is no entry fee for this event. Just bring your smile and your energy.

Lunch and beverages are provided by the sailors themselves. We suggest you
assemble your lunch to enjoy on the deck as we will break during the race for a
short lunch, around 45 mins in length. Depending on the weather , lunch time will
be discussed at the skippers meeting. BYO Water and snacks, to consume on
the water.

  1. Registration will begin online the evening before ( Friday 25 August ) starting
    at 1900h by sending the sailing director an email at
    [email protected] or in person at 0930 -1000h, the day of the race.
    For KSC members, KSC boats will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
    You must have a RED TAG or Green Tag (RS 16 Cat) to skipper a KSC Cat.
  2. Skipper’s meeting is at 1010h at the Clubhouse back deck.
  3. First start will be no earlier than 1045h. We will not start the final race after

The course will consist of multiple windward/leeward laps approximately 1-2 km
apart (depending on wind), with a mid-course entry and reaching finish. (formal
Sailing Instructions will follow.)

This event is meant to be fun but some competitive spirit is always welcome, just
leave your cat claws at home.

Your Acting Sailing Director,
Carla Millar, [email protected]

Club boats on the beach

KSC June Update

Upcoming Events

Powerboat Training

We will be hosting powerboat training for those who have their PCO license already but aren’t familiar with our boats. Training will be held Friday, June 24th, at 6:30pm.

Social Sails

Various members will be hosting informal social sails this summer, starting with a sail to Aylmer on Sunday, June 26 for lunch at the new Le Bateau restaurant. Boats will leave at 11am for the ~30min sail over to Quebec.

This is the perfect opportunity for those who aren’t comfortable sailing by themselves to partake in a group trip. Whether solo, on helm, or as crew, all members who want to go will have a spot.

If you’re interested in organizing an event of your own feel free to contact me and I’ll gladly add it to our calendar and the next newsletter.

Race nights

Race nights are picking up again, starting this week they will be held every Wed at 6pm sharp. Be at the club early to rig the boats and get on the water before the race starts! Our training staff will be onsite to conduct the races so members can focus on the perfect jibe.

New Boats Arriving Soon

Fortunately our little club has scored a major win: we’ve secured funding for several new boats!
Everyone on the board is quite excited to announce the good news, however we’re not allowed to reveal all the details just yet.
Very soon you’ll hear more about the new vessels and the large improvement they’ll have to our training fleet.
And I can’t think of another sentence that starts with “A” but the funny formatting should be enough 😉

Catamaran Training

For those of us who don’t have our red tags yet, Ken is gauging interest in a cat training session this summer. Contact Ken if you’re interested in signing up for red-tag training, this is a one day training course that has a nominal fee.

Duty Days Going Old-School

Due to some technical difficulties with the previous calendar service, the board has decided to go with a more old-school approach to the duty day sign ups. The next time you’re at the club check out the pin-board for the duty day calendars:

Duty Day Signup Forms
Just put your name down for morning or afternoon on either Sat or Sun. Remember that all members are required to come help out for at least two half-day sessions.

Smaller Sails for the Bytes

Carla & Steve have been hard at work on a side project to get smaller, more controllable sails for the bytes. These are now ready and should be easier to sail for those members who are smaller in stature. A huge benefit is that they look and feel like a laser sail so should be more familiar than the usual byte rigging.

RS Quest Rigging

If you haven’t made it out to the Sat afternoon rigging sessions that Heidi has been hosting, you can find a nice rigging video up on our website here.

As always, if you have any comments/concerns, do bring them up with our board of directors.

That’s all for this week, see you out on the water!

Catamaran Regatta Results

From July 24, 2021.

The 9th annual Cat Regatta got off without a hitch on Saturday morning with 4 vessels fighting it out for Top Cat bragging rights. Winds blew at a steady 20 kms with some fun gusts up to 33 kms/hr and a warm breeze at 28c. Liam was unfortunately unable to make it to the event so calls went out to other would-be Cat competitors. Robert showed up last minute after discovering that vacuuming on a Saturday morning wasn’t as exciting as he had thought, so joined Corinne on helm and Tom on crew on the H18. Tony and Frank had a few tricks up their sleeves heading to the start in Tony’s Nacra 17. Nathan pulled Connor from the RC to show him what fun can be had in a H18 and adopted him as crew. Jean and Annie had such a great finish on Wednesday race night that they teamed up again to show us their feral cat claws and put in some stiff competition. 

The first race showed Tony and Frank with a brilliant start with 3 other competitors trailing but fell to the back of the pack despite Nathan and Connor shredding their jib. Even a wicked tape job wouldn’t hold out for the second race so found the lads changing jibs at the lunch hour break. Jean and Annie, sporting the colours of the French flag on the main, stirred  competitive jitters in Corinne . It didn’t faze her in the end as she/Robert and Tom finished in first place.

Race 2 saw some close roundings of the first mark with all 3 vessels in a pack, jostling for the lead. Tony and Frank struggled to find their footing but discovered that some necessary sail adjustments would give them a welcomed boost of speed their boat so badly needed.  The wind found the cats flying around the course in race 2 before stopping for a nutrition break.

Race 3 found Nathan and Connor nearly capsizing near the upwind mark as the winds picked up to 25-30 kms/hr. Frank and Tony pulled in closely behind in 3rd place with hopes of overtaking while Jean and Steve (Annie had abandoned racing with better plans downtown) caught them at the rounding to take over the lead. With Frank at the helm and Tony on Jib, a brilliant race was had, as the Nacra flew to a very close 4th place just 3 seconds behind the 3rd vessel.

Race 4 had all 4 vessels cramming at the reaching mark before heading up with Jean and Steve giving way to a pushy Nathan and Connor yelling for buoy room.

Race 5,  Corinne/Robert and Tom suffered a massive wardrobe malfunction as their jib also split in 2, resulting in Tom standing on the bow acting as both figurehead and rip stopper. This placed them back in 3rd place allowing Frank and Tony to creep ever so close.  Jean and Steve were seen flying on one pontoon only to have Jean teabag Steve just to cool him off after rounding the upwind mark. Nathan and Connor were too far ahead to notice.


Race 1

  1. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  2. Nathan/Connor
  3. Jean/Annie
  4. Tony/Frank

Race 2:

  1. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  2. Nathan/Connor
  3. Jean/Annie
  4. Tony/Frank (OCF)

Race 3

  1. Nathan/Connor
  2. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  3. Jean/Steve
  4. Tony/Frank

Race 4

  1. Nathan/Connor
  2. Jean/Steve
  3. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  4. Frank/Tony

Race 5

  1. Nathan/Connor
  2. Jean/Steve
  3. Corinne/Tom/Robert
  4. Frank/Tony


1st place, Top Cat …..Nathan and Connor
2nd place, Medium Cat…..Corinne/ Tom/ Robert
3rd place, Kitten award….Jean/ Annie/ Steve
4th place, Participation award…Tony/Frank

Congratulations to all competitors,
Carla –Sailing Director.

Notice of Race – Cat Regatta: Saturday, 24 July 2021

The Kanata Sailing Club is pleased to announce its 9th annual Open Catamaran Regatta Saturday, 24 July 2021.  This event is open to both KSC members and members from other Clubs if they wish to participate. All types of catamarans are welcome to compete. There is no entry fee for this event. Due to CoVID, Lunch and beverages are provided by the sailors themselves.  We suggest you assemble your lunch to enjoy on the back deck as we will break during the race for a short lunch. Depending on the weather , lunch time will be discussed at the skippers meeting.  Snacks, Water, BYO to consume on the water.

Registration can begin online the evening before starting at 1900h by sending the sailing director an email at [email protected] or will be in person at 0930 -1000h, the day of the race.

For KSC members, KSC boats will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Skipper’s meeting is at 10:30 at the Clubhouse back deck. First start will be no earlier than 11:00. We will not start the final race after 1500h. The course will consist of multiple windward/leeward laps approximately 1-2 km apart (depending on wind),  with a mid-course entry and reaching finish. (formal Sailing Instructions will follow.) Scoring will be awarded based on fastest across the finish line. 

Carla Millar — Sailing Director

2017 Race Night Season Results

It’s that time of the year again — our evening races have come to an end, and we must reflect on the night, the series, and the season.

Aug 31 results

Alas, we did no racing Aug 31.  The cold winds were blowing quite vigorously (11 gusting 16 is my estimate) and were quite shifty.  Most people thought that the nice warm KSC fireplace was more inviting that the choppy water.  This of course didn’t stop Ken from trying to set some to-Quebec-and-back speed records in the Laser, Carla from getting good practice in on the Byte, and Jason/Steve daring to get the 29er out (with only 2 capsizes!)  Good times, and good company afterwards.

Summer Series 2 results!

Our Summer Series 2 was held over 5 weeks in August, traditionally the lightest-wind month of the year.  We had to cancel 2 nights (Aug 3 due to low wind, Aug 31 due to high wind) and only 5 races over the course of those 3 weeks.   The nights we did have were fairly low-key light air races, but we did get some fun on the water.  I personally learned that Hobie 18s don’t come out of their tacks with speed like dinghies do, and that cost me more than a few starts.

Congrats to Steve who took the “old salts” award for the series (4 points), and to Yona who scored the best rookie (34 points)!

Complete series results posted to http://kanatasailingclub.com/sailing/racing/

2017 Season Results

This is it, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.  We got 26 races in over the course of the 15 weeks in the season (12 weeks actually sailed) and had 38 sailors scored in at least one race.  Jason started out strong (a few 1st place finishes in the cold spring when the field was narrow) but Carla had caught up by the end of the Spring Series.  Steve came along and started scoring wins on just about every race.  The only exceptions were one where Jason/Hannah (Albacore) and Ken (Laser) were able to sneak by him one race when Steve/Frank were sailing a broken Albacore, and a few weeks later when Carla/Jason (Tasar) were able to spot a late-race gust to sneak past Steve’s Laser.

So, was Jason or Carla’s early lead enough to hold off Steve?  Heck no!  Steve takes the season by a wide margin (again!)

Steve scored 23 points, Carla came in second with 38, Jason was far back at 57, with Tony and Jean rounding out the top 5 with 65 and 73 points respectively,  Congrats Steve!

As for the rookies, Devin takes the season with 188 points, followed by Yona at 219

Complete season results posted to http://kanatasailingclub.com/sailing/racing/

I’m particularly happy with the turn out this year, with veterans, new sailors, kids, and everyone in between.  The Tasars got a lot of love this season, especially in July and August, while the kids gravitated towards the Lasers.  Tony and Annie were staples in the Hobies, and were often joined by the Watsons, the McKennas, or other pick-up cat teams.  All in all, a good variety of boats, and lots of fun after the races too.

A special thanks goes out to Reese, Heidi and Sydney, for running RC through out the year.  Also, thanks to Frank/Jean (our BBQ wranglers most nights), and all those who volunteered to bring food/beverages to the deck after racing.

Race Night Report, Aug 17-24, 2017

Two Race Night Reports for the price of one!

Aug 17, 2017

Light but fairly consistent winds from the SW encouraged quite a turn out.  We had every Laser (5), every Tasar (3, a first for the club), a couple of Hobie 18s, an Albacore, and a Byte out to play.

Steve/Norm (Tasar) won the night with two first place finishes.  Ken (Laser) took 4th in the first race, but moved to 2nd in race 2.  Carla (Byte) went the other way — from 2nd to 5th.  Jason and his wee crew (8 and 4 year olds) took 3rd in the 1st race in a Hobie 18, passing Tony/Annie’s H18 on the last leg.  But Tony/Annie got their revenge, moving from 5th to 4th while Jason/kids went down to 6th.  NSC Albacore master Dominic was sailing with KSC vet Chunshu in a Tasar, and they made their play from 6th place in the first race to 3rd in the 2nd.

Complete results below.

Aug 24, 2017

Light winds from N, shifting to NW just before the 1st race.  In addition to a couple of Tasars, a couple of Bytes and a couple of H18s, we also had Jason and Frank finally get the the 29er (aka “Mr. Tippy”) out on the water.  The boats were joined by Cameron and youngster James for the 2nd race in an Albacore.

Living up to it’s reputation, the 29er suffered a capsize on the 1st upwind leg of the first race, forcing Jean/Carla (in a Tasar, right behind the 29er) to head up past close-hauled and pinch around the boat.  What likly happened was that the 29er gained speed in a gust as Jason put more of his weight to windward to keep the boat flat.  The extra speed moved the apparent wind forward (taking force out of the sails) which corresponded right with a wind shift or lull (taking more force out of the sails).  Jason’s windward weight was not balancing anything, and a capsize to windward followed.  Lesson learned: be ready to bear off in a lull, and Jason should put down the donuts.

Steve (single-handing a Tasar) took both races, followed by Carla/Jean taking 2nd in each race.  Mike took 3rd in a Byte for the 1st race, with Tony/Annie (H18) finishing 4th, but the two swapped finishing spots for the 2nd race.

Complete results below.

Season so far

The result table is too big to fit in a printer-friendly PDF, so please use the table below.  It’s not pretty, but…

Results are provisional as of 18:17 on August 27, 2017


Sailed: 26, Discards: 6, To count: 20, Entries: 38, Scoring system: KSC Low-Point Scoring System 2016
Class SailNo Division Club June 8 – race 1 June 8 – race 2 June 15 – race 1 June 15 – race 2 June 15 – race 3 June 22 – race 1 June 22 – race 2 June 22 – race 3 July 6 – race 1 July 6 – race 2 July 6 – race 3 July 6 – race 4 July 13 – race 1 july 13 – race 2 July 13 – race 3 July 20 – race 1 Jul 20 – race 2 July 20 – race 3 July 27 – race 1 July 27 – race 2 July 27 – race 3 Aug 10 Aug 17 – race 1 Aug 17 – race 2 Aug 24 – race 1 Aug 24 – race 2 Total Nett
Club Boat Steve Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 3.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points (12.0 DNS) 1.0 Points 2.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 110.0 23.0
Club Boat Carla Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 4.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points (7.0 Points) (5.0 Points) (12.0 DNS) 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 4.0 Points 2.0 Points (5.0 Points) 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 97.0 38.0
Club Boat Jason Old hands KSC 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points (6.0 DNS) (6.0 OCF) 5.0 OCF (6.0 DNS) 4.0 Points 1.0 Points 2.0 Points 4.0 RC 4.5 RC 4.5 RC 5.0 Points 2.0 Points 1.0 Points 3.0 Points 3.0 Points (7.0 Points) 5.0 Points 3.0 Points (6.0 Points) 5.0 Points (6.0 Points) 94.0 57.0
Club Boat Tony Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points (6.0 DNS) 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 6.0 DNS 3.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points (12.0 Points) (14.0 DNS) 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points (15.0 DNC) 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 142.0 65.0
Club Boat Jean Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 7.0 Points 5.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 2.0 Points 7.0 Points (12.0 DSQ) 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 160.0 73.0
Club Boat Chunshu Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 4.0 DNF 6.0 DNS 5.0 DNF 3.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 4.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 3.0 Points 4.0 Points 8.0 Points 6.0 Points (10.0 Points) 7.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points (15.0 DNC) 6.0 Points 3.0 Points (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 184.0 99.0
Club Boat Ken S Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 3.0 Points 1.0 Points 8.0 Points 3.0 Points 6.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 3.0 Points 4.0 Points 2.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 201.0 111.0
Club Boat Frank Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 5.0 Points 3.0 Points 1.0 Points (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 2.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 5.0 Points 6.0 Points 204.0 114.0
Club Boat Tom N Old hands KSC 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 4.0 DNF 6.0 DNS 5.0 DNF 6.0 DNS 6.0 OCF 5.0 OCF 2.5 RC 3.5 RC 3.5 RC 3.5 RC 6.0 Points 6.0 Points 6.0 Points 12.0 DNS (13.0 Points) 12.0 Points (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 5.0 Points 7.0 Points 12.0 DSQ (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 203.0 115.0
Club Boat Annie M. Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 6.0 DNS 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 6.0 DNS 3.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 12.0 Points 14.0 DNS (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 5.0 Points 4.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 223.0 133.0
Club Boat Norm Y. Old hands KSC 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 6.0 DNS 6.0 OCF 5.0 OCF (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 12.0 DNS 13.0 Points 12.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 262.0 172.0
Club Boat Devin Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 6.0 DNS 5.0 OCF 5.0 OCF (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 1.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 2.0 Points 15.0 DNC 13.0 OCF 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 278.0 188.0
Club Boat Ray Old hands KSC 4.0 DNF 4.0 DNF 5.0 DNS 3.0 Points 2.0 Points 3.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 298.0 208.0
Club Boat Mark Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 7.0 Points 6.0 Points 15.0 DNC 11.0 Points 7.0 Points 6.0 Points 7.0 Points 306.0 216.0
Club Boat Yona Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 7.0 Points 6.0 Points 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 10.0 Points 7.0 Points 8.0 Points 309.0 219.0
Club Boat Mike R Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 DNS 5.0 Points 7.0 Points 4.0 Points 4.0 Points 7.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 3.0 Points 4.0 Points 313.0 223.0
Club Boat Ellen Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 6.0 Points 5.0 Points 7.0 Points 6.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 Points 7.0 Points 318.0 228.0
Club Boat Hannah Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 DNS 4.0 Points 1.0 Points 2.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 3.0 Points 6.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 322.0 232.0
Club Boat Peter Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 1.0 Points 8.0 Points 3.0 Points 6.0 Points 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 325.0 235.0
Club Boat Cameron Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 10.0 Points 4.0 Points 15.0 DNC 8.0 Points 8.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 5.0 Points 344.0 254.0
Club Boat Matt Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 10.0 Points 4.0 Points 15.0 DNC 8.0 Points 8.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 354.0 264.0
Club Boat Tuan Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 4.0 Points 3.0 Points 7.0 DNS (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 359.0 269.0
Club Boat Lynn Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 4.0 Points 4.0 Points 7.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 360.0 270.0
Club Boat Corrine Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 7.0 Points 7.0 Points 8.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 367.0 277.0
Club Boat Leopold Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 7.0 Points 7.0 Points 8.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 367.0 277.0
Club Boat Charlotte Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 Points 7.0 Points 367.0 277.0
Club Boat Dan Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 7.0 OCF 8.0 Points 8.0 OCF 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 368.0 278.0
Club Boat Joanne Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 7.0 OCF 8.0 Points 8.0 OCF 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 368.0 278.0
Club Boat Dominic Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 6.0 Points 3.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 369.0 279.0
Club Boat Michael Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 3.0 RC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 372.0 282.0
Club Boat Sara Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 10.0 Points 9.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 373.0 283.0
Club Boat Zombor Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 8.0 Points 8.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 376.0 286.0
Club Boat Csanad Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 8.0 Points 8.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 376.0 286.0
Club Boat James Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 5.0 Points 380.0 290.0
Club Boat Lydia Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 9.0 Points 11.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 380.0 290.0
Club Boat Gabriel Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 10.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 385.0 295.0
Club Boat James Rookies KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 11.0 Points 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 386.0 296.0
Club Boat Balaz Old hands KSC (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) (15.0 DNC) 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 12.0 OCF 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 15.0 DNC 387.0 297.0

Scoring codes used

Code Description Points
DNC Did not come to the starting area 15
DNF Started but did not finish on time Varies
DNS Came to the start area but did not start on time Varies
DSQ Disqualification 12
OCF Awarded an On Course Finish Varies
Points Points for that race Varies
RC On RC duties for that race Varies

KSC Catamaran Event Results

(From Jean, who organized/ran the event):

A big thank you to Instructor Heidi for setting the mark in front of the club and Jason for all his pre-race organizing and postings.

Weather forecast was good: cloudy with warm wind @ 26 degrees; 40% chance of rain; possibly of thunderstorms later in day @ 5 pm.

Wind forecast: SW 7-10 knots, gusts: 12-14 knots.


Hobie 18: Tony/Annie, race 1 – 23 minutes (ET)/1.091 = 21.08 minutes (AT)
Hobie 16: Frank/Jean, race 1 – 20 minutes (ET)/1.193 = 16.76 minutes (AT)

Albacore: Norm/Devon, race 1 – 33 minutes; race 2 – 29 minutes
Albacore: Mary/Kathy/Grace (6 years old) – social sail
Albacore: Dengfeng/guest – social sail

Skipper meeting went well. We discussed route, markers, timing and landing. We also discussed what to do in case of thunder or lighting. Important  note:  We emphasized – no crash beach landings!!! 😉

The first Albacore Mary/Kathy/Grace (new blue taggers) set sail just before 11 am. We decided to wait until they were close to Aylmer Island before starting our race. Tony/Annie got some good speed on their start but unfortunately sailed too close to the Ontario side hitting possibly the only patch of no wind that day. This helped Frank/Jean judge where to avoid and sailed in good wind across the river on one tack. Eventually, Tony/Annie caught some stronger wind and picked up their speed as they sailed into Lac Deschenes. Norm/Devon took some time to find the wind and once they did, they were able to blaze across and were almost unstoppable. Frank/Jean caught up to Mary/Kathy/Grace just before heading into the beach in time to jump out and help catch the arrival of our boats as they landed. Mary/Kathy/Grace (new blue taggers) had a successful maiden voyage to Aylmer Beach. The climax of their trip was their exciting beach landing – an accidental gybe with the shrill of a six year old in some strong winds. All sailors were fine as the boat came to a stop as it pointed into the wind. The second Albacore landing with Norm/Devon increased the excitement as the boat was coming for a crash beach landing just as a few of us lunge to catch and turn the boat into the wind to bring it to a stop. Originally, Dengfeng and his wife weren’t sure if they were going to join us for the sail and lunch. They were the last to launch from the club but quickly caught up to us at the beach. All boats landed safety and were brought ashore. We had a lovely lunch on the patio with some friendly ribbing between the Cat racers.

On the second stage of our trip, the winds had picked up and the sky was looking interesting… the possibly of rain was increasing. Rain coats were worn for the return trip and some of the Albacores switched up skippers. The Albacores were safely launched off the beach first to give them a head start. Then, the Hobie skippers converged and decided that it would be best to sail around than to race back. We sailed back and forth enjoying the winds and waves before heading to shore. There was a bit of light rain but we were all ready for it, and the winds calmed as the boats returned to our familiar, beautiful shoreline.

A big thanks to all who came out to race and participate on Saturday. The spirit and the comradely of the KSC people are the best.

Race Night Report, Aug 10, 2017

Not a lot to report this race night. Very light air meant we only got one race in, before the second one was cancelled due to lack-of-wind. It was all for the best though, just as the fleet got back to shore a bit of thunder rolled in, so good call by the RC.

The exciting part of the race was just at the end, when Carla and Ken were neck-and-neck on the downwind leg, each trying to score 3rd.  The wind had shifted slightly, and Ken was to windward of Carla.  With just a few seconds before the finish, a tiny gust must’ve hit, because Ken accelerated and got a foot or two over Carla.  I didn’t see any Rule 42 violations (not that Ken would do that anyway) so the tiny-gust is the best explanation I can come up with (because Ken was windward it affected his boat before Carla’s).  Contrats, Ken!

(edit — I forgot that Michael was helping out the race committee.  Doing RC leg work entitles you to the average points sailed this race, so Michael scores a 3rd place finish too)

Results for the race:

  1. Steve (Byte)
  2. Jean/Frank (Tasar)
  3. Ken (Laser)
    Michael (RC)
  4. Carla (Laser)
  5. Tom/Jason (Hobie 18)