All posts by membership

KSC Open – 5-6 September 2015

The Notice of Race (NoR) and Sailing Instructions for the KSC Open Regatta are posted below. The KSC Open has two classes, Albacore and Laser, and is open to both KSC members and members from other clubs.

For KSC members intending to use KSC fleet boats, a draw will be held at 20:00 on Friday the 4th at the Club to assign fleet boats to members wishing to use them for the race. If fleet boats are still available on Saturday, they will be assigned on a first come first serve basis during registration.

A competitors’ meeting will be held at 10:00 at the KSC Club House.


Register at the KSC Club House. The registration fee is $25/person, and includes breakfast snacks on both days. Lunch and beverages will not be served so people should bring their own.

Friday, September 4th, 2015, from 18:00 to 20:00
Saturday, September 5th, from 09:30 to 10:00

KSC Open 2015 – NoR 2015
KSC Open 2015 – Sailing Instructions

Race results

Get Out on the Water! Try sailing for free, June 20th & 28th

The Kanata Sailing Club has two upcoming events where you can try sailing for free!

Get Out On The Water
Saturday, June 20 (all day).
Cost: FREE!
In partnership with the Ottawa River Canoe Club we are please to offer a multisport experience adding paddling, kayaking and SUP to sailing! Sign up here:

Shells&Sails Try-IT day
Saturday, June 28 (all day)
Cost: FREE!
In partnership with Shells & Sails, a program developed by Ontario Sailing, you will be assisted by qualified coaches during your experience in a rowing shell and in a sailing boat. RSVP now:

KSC goes electronic!

Electronic registration and credit card payment are now available!  Membership and training forms are fillable PDFs that can be submitted via email. You can now choose to pay by credit card, in which case you will receive an invoice with a link to our new payment service (Square). We will also be able to process credit card payments at Launch Day or the Open House. Note: Credit card fees cost the club money, so please pay by cheque if you can!  You can drop your cheque off at the club or pop it in the mail.