All posts by Sailing Director

Harry Adderly 12 Mile Island Regatta – Sunday 11 August

The Harry Adderly regatta brought in a nice mix of sailboats to the event this year under 27°C and beautiful partly cloudy skies with a NW wind blowing at 20 km/h increasing at times to 41 Km/h down river. 

Starting with a self timed start and finish between the KSC dock and buoy mark, from 11:15h – 11:50h, 7 sailboats set up river to round Allen Island (12 mile Island). Challenging wind conditions brought back the Wave after 2 hours and the rest found their way back from 4.25 hours to 5.5 hours.

The Portsmouth Yardstick Handicap scores were used to adjust the times and even out the results. The results will be entered in the Harry Adderly 12 Mile Island Challenge that is managed this year by Frank Boyaner .

Thanks to all the participants for coming out and challenging your fellow sailors and sharing in a celebratory “cold one” after the race. 

SailorsBoatAdjusted TimePlace
Mike RLaser237 mins1st
Liam and AlanisTasar247 mins2nd
Ken E and Tom NHobie 18254 mins3rd
NathanHobie 16273 mins4th
Frank and JeanHobie 16274 mins5th
Tony and DevinNarcra 17322 mins6th
Eric N.Hobie WaveDNF

Carla Millar- Sailing Director

Race Night Results – Aug 14

Race night was welcomed by a large NW wind that brought gusts up to 45 Km/h and a temp around 20 c at the start line to run a challenging triangle course with buoys to port. 8 boats approached the start line with the Tasar in front followed closely by the Albacore and then the laser. Rounding the first gybe mark nearly brought the Tasar over in a capsize as well the Albacore with yelps heard all around followed by the laser that did toss Ken S. into the water. Many others in the rest of the fleet followed suit, all practicing their man-over-board maneuvers and swimming techniques. Even Corinne discovered that tucking your feet under the hiking strap works better than on top, as she did the seal thing and flopped off the side of her Albacore, leaving Kathryn to fend for herself as her skipper abandoned ship.  The Tasar with a healthy lead in the first race decided one more rounding of the gybe mark, for reasons unknown to both skipper and crew, and the rest of fleet, would be a good idea until they looked over to port and to see the Albacore bearing down quickly on the finish line. Panic ensued as they finally altered course towards the finish and came in a disappointing second place. Ken S, who managed to leap into his laser in lightening speed was close on their heels for third place.  The Tasar accepted a self disqualification for fouling 2 boats on the  race #3 start line as the skipper managed to tuck the tiller handle into her life jacket for safe keeping, losing steerage, again for reasons unknown!! We had a fun time and a challenging set of races, offering a fabulous show for our spectators on shore.  Thanks to Ken E.  for the fabulous food and drink and to Instructor Annie again for setting out the race course.

Results are as follows: 

Race #1

  1. Ken E and John –Albacore
  2. Carla and Liz- Tasar
  3. Greg and Hayden- laser I think
  4. Ken S.- laser
  5. Liam – laser
  6. Lee Jing- laser
  7. Tom N. – laser
  8. Corinne and Kathryn- Albacore

Race #2

  1. Ken S
  2. Carla and Liz
  3. Ken E. and John
  4. Greg and Hayden
  5. Tom N
  6. Liam
  7. Corinne and Kathryn
  8. Lee Jing

Race #3

  1. Ken S
    Carla and Liz (DSQ) foulers!
  2. Ken E. and John 
  3. Corinne and Kathryn
  4. Tom N
  5. Greg and Hayden
  6. Liam
  7. Lee Jing

Race Night – Aug 7th

A few storm cells rolled through in the afternoon but as the rains shifted off to the south and the wind filled in from the SSE at 13 km/hr, race night was a go. We had 5 boats out that night. Results as follows:

Race #1

  1. Carla – Byte
  2. Corinne and Leopol – laser
  3. Liam and Eric – Tasar

Race #2

  1. Carla- byte
  2. Corrine and Leopol – laser
  3. Ken and Tom N – Albacore
  4. Lee Jing – Laser
  5. Liam and Eric – Tasar

Race #3

  1. Ken and Tom
  2. Carla
  3. Corrine and Leopol
  4. Liam and Eric
  5. Lee Jing

Thanks for Lee Jing for the fabulous food and drinks. And to the race committee of Steve H and Instructor Annie.  Next weeks food and bevvies will be brought to us by Ken E. 
Carla Millar – Sailing Director

12-Mile-Island Regatta – Notice of Race

Notice of Race: Kanata Sailing Club 12-Mile-Island Regatta, Sunday 11 August 2019

The annual 12-Mile-Island (Harry Adderly) Regatta has been held since 2011. It is KSC’s longest distance race. Depending on boat used and wind conditions, the rounding of the island can take from 2.5 to 5 hours (with 3-4 hours being typical). Participating in the 12-Mile-Island Regatta (and completing the rounding) counts as a rounding for the Harry Adderly and Ken Eaves sponsored 12-Mile-Island Challenge.

Eligible Sailors/Boats

KSC members with boat sign-out privileges and their guests and members from other clubs with their own sailboats are welcome to enter the event. Classes and Starts All dinghy classes including monohulls and multihulls are permitted to race. Portsmouth Numbers will be used to determine the handicap rating for each class and to calculate the Corrected Time (CT) for each boat’s Elapsed Time (ET).

There will be one start — monohulls and multihulls will be required to start between 11:00 and 11:45. This is intended so that competitors will finish at closer to the same time. A self timed start and finish using the honour system will be used for this event.

Entry Fee

There is no entry fee.


Online Registration to the sailing directors email address (send an e-mail to [email protected]) until 11:59pm Friday.

On-site Registration will take place at the KSC clubhouse on Sunday 11 August 2019 starting at 10:00h and continuing until 11:30.

General Information

Formal Sailing Instructions (SIs) will be communicated at the skippers meeting at 10:30.

Bring your own food and fluids for your sailing journey and for any meals you choose to have after the event.

The sailing race will officially end at 6:00 pm. We will not leave you on the water.

Carla Millar Sailing Director – KSC [email protected]

8th Annual Open Catamaran Regatta Results

The wind lured 3 Catamarans to the start line in this years Cat Regatta  event this past Saturday at KSC. The race consisted of 6 legs of an upwind-downwind configured race course set again by our experienced Club member Steve H and Instructor Annie M. Each leg took about 30 mins to complete. After juggling the crew and skippers about we had Tony and Jean in the Nacra 17, Tom, Alanis and Liam in the Hobie 18, Eric and Annie in the Hobie 16. The race was a bit delayed because the Hobie 16 decided to solo it without any crew at all only to find Eric jumping aboard and rescuing said Hobie from a near death experience on the reef.  He was then able to circle round and collect his skilled crew member Annie from end of the jetty. The start went off without a hitch. Noon found us with  an uninvited rain squall that came through after the second leg that sent all sailors and race committee (Carla and instructor Annie) darting back to shore where we shared a fabulous lunch on the back deck. The race resumed shortly after,  finishing with 2 more races. Tony and Jean tried out their new Gennaker only to find it didn’t quite offer the lift they had expected as it became a bit of a sea anchor and upset their first place position from the start line,  so was abandoned after several tries. Tom who recently earned himself a Red Tag, posted brilliant finish results and truly found his calling as a Cat Skipper. Eric, found lounging off the stern of the Hobie 16, enjoyed the day with Annie and managed to give a competitive chase to the other 2 cats. The results are as follows: 

“Top Cat award” (1st place) went to Tom N, Alanis and Liam – Hobie 18

“Second Place Cat award” went to Tony and Jean –  Nacra 17

“Kitten award” went to 3rd place finishers Eric and Annie – Hobie 16

Congratulations to everyone, thanks for your participation and sharing in the fun.

Race Night – July 31st

Wednesday Race Night was very interesting with a Cat course format set by Steve and Instructor Annie to reflect the up and coming Catamaran Regatta that took place this past  Saturday at KSC. 10 boats took to the reaching start line to complete an upwind/downwind course with a reaching finish to the committee boat. The wind offered quite the challenge with large gusts forcing a few boats to practice their man-overboard maneuvers. Interestingly though the monohulls managed to figure out the course in the first race, leaving behind 4 Cats who found themselves disqualified for heading in the opposite direction. Jean caused a mutiny on board the Nacra 17, with her skipper Tony and forced him to be keelhauled off the port side pontoon. As he was being dragged along in the water by the mainsheet Jean realized she was to then to sail alone, so she relented and allowed Tony back on board. Race 1 clearly was a good practice run though as Frank and Nathan in a Hobie pulled off an impressive first place finish in race 2 and 3 followed by 3 Cats for the final race,  who all took the top 3 spots on the podium. Except we don’t have a podium but you get the gist. Good job everyone and a big thank you to Tom for bringing the food. Next weeks food will come courtesy of Lee.

Race 1

  • Ken
  • Carla and Liz
  • Zsombor
  • Liam
  • Gerry finish on course
  • Lee finish on course
  • Frank and Nathan dnf
  • Tony and Jean dnf
  • Corrine, Robert and Leopol dnf
  • Eric and Sharron dnf

Race 2

  • Frank and Nathan 
  • Carla and Liz 
  • Ken
  • Zsombor
  • Jean and Tony
  • Robert, Corrine, Leopol
  • Sharron and Eric 
  • Liam finished on course

Race 3

  • Frank and Nathan
  • Tony and jean
  • Robert, Corrine and Leopol
  • Ken
  • Zsombor
  • Carla and Liz
  • Liam
  • Sharron and Eric 
  • Gerry dnf

Carla Millar – Sailing Director


Notice of Race: THIS IS A ONE DAY EVENT ONLY Saturday 31 AUGUST 2019

The Kanata Sailing Club is pleased to announce its annual KSC Open Regatta, SATURDAY 31 AUGUST 2019.

The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 (RRS) except when any of these are altered by the KSC Open Sailing Instructions.

  • The regatta is open to KSC members and members from other clubs.
  • The regatta will have 2 classes (Albacore and Laser)
  • All Laser rigs can participate in the Laser fleet, and will be scored as a single fleet without handicap.
  • First place prizes shall be awarded to the top competitor of each fleet (awarded to both skipper and crew in the case of Albacore).
  • Other classes may race, however will be ineligible for prizes.

Registration will be in person at KSC on Friday 30 August 2019 at 7:00 pm-8:00 pm. Late registration will be in person at KSC on Saturday 31 August 2019 at KSC. Participants electing for a late registration should email [email protected] to confirm their participation. The entry fee shall be $15 for single handed boats, $20 for double handed boats

A competitor’s meeting will be held 10:00 am Saturday at the KSC club house.

For KSC members wishing to use club boats, a draw shall be held at the competitor’s meeting.

KSC members unable to attend the draw may select from remaining boat on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Racing will take place Saturday Only.

The first race on Saturday shall not be started until 11:00 am.
A low point scoring system (RRS Appendix A) shall be used with modification as per the SIs.

All sailors are invited to take part in ad-hoc potluck after racing.

Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS Rule 4 “Decision to Race”. The Kanata Sailing Club will not accept any liability for material damage, injury, or death sustained prior to, during, or after the regatta.

Please check the KSC web site for sailing instructions and other regatta details the night of Friday 30 August 2019. Sailing instructions will also be provided at the skipper’s meeting.

Carla Millar KSC Sailing Director, 2019
[email protected]

Race Night – July 24

8 Boats made it to the start line Wednesday evening with 14 Sailors on board. We had fair winds and a nice buoys to starboard course set by Steve and Annie. Wednesday saw three new Sailors introduced to race night. Liz sailed with Carla in the Tasar and Mark and Ellen flew around the course on their Hobie 16. Andy also joined Ken for his 2019 inaugural sail in the Albacore. Tony picked up some handy sail trim advice to pull out an exciting 3rd place finish in most of the races . He and Nathan were set for second place in Race #2, it it wasn’t for the fact that they were exceeding the Ottawa River speed limit so managed to slow their pace down to a crawl by hitting and dragging the up wind mark. Lucky for Carla and Liz as they pulled ahead and managed a 2nd place finish. As the winds died down on the last race Ken and Andy on port tack gave up their lead as they fouled Carla and Liz, sneaking up on starboard tack. After completing a 720 penalty turn they came a close second. All sailors enjoyed a delicious meal put on by Corinne and Leopol, with cold bevvies provided by Tony. Thanks to all who helped put on this event and to the sailors who gave the committee boat a fabulous show.

Race Results

 Race #1

  • Ken and Andy 
  • Jean, Corrine and leopol
  • Liam
  • Tony and Nathan 
  • Carla and Liz
  • Anthony
  • Mark and Ellen 
  • Lee

Race #2

  • Ken and Andy 
  • Carla and Liz
  • Tony and Nathan 
  • Jean, Corrine and leopol
  • Liam
  • Mark and Ellen
  • Lee

Race #3

  • Ken and Andy
  • Carla and Liz 
  • Tony and Nathan 
  • Liam
  • Jean, Corrine and leopol
  • Lee
  • Mark and Ellen

Race #4

  • Carla and Liz
  • Ken and Andy
  • Tony and Nathan 
  • Liam
  • Corrine, Jean and leopol
  • Lee dnf
  • Mark and ellen dnf

Race Night Wednesday July 17

Wednesday saw a good turn out to race night last week with 10 kts of warm breeze gusting to about 12-14 kts. 6 Boats turned out to brave the winds that evening.  An interesting first race, set by Steve H and assisted by John with the usual buoys to port course was witnessed by all 4 boats competing in the first of 4 races. 

Off the start line in 1st place flew  Ken E and Amy on Starboard tack in the Albacore, hugging the committee boat with Robert, Corinne and Leopal on the Hobie 16, rounding the pin end on port tack flying across the start followed by Greg O and his grandson Hayden, whose skills in the optimist during the day added to their successful  first race. The Nacra with Tony on helm assisted by Nathan on jib, snuck up to the start from a nice beam reach only to be forced into reverse mode as he tried to head up across the start line. Thoughts of their 4th place finish were quickly dashed as our leader in the Albacore and seasoned veteran Ken E with Amy on jib decided that an alternative rounding of the marks with buoys to starboard would not only confuse the competition but make for an interesting race. Alas, the rest of the fleet were not to be deterred and held  their course. Noticing that his strategy was not working Ken followed suit after the second rounding and so  went in the same direction as the rest of the fleet. 

Two other sailboats joined in the fun for the other 3 races and they included Zombour in the laser and Tom and Lee Jing on the third Albacore. Adding to all the fun that evening, the fourth race was interrupted by a 11.3 m keelboat that sailed up from the NSC and tried to join our race by crashing thru the middle of the course upsetting our sailors Tom and Lee Jing who were on the final leg and forcing them to tack away thus avoiding a collision with said keelboat only to push them into the committee boat. No one was hurt , not even their spirits. 

Thanks to Nathan for supplying the food and drinks. 

Race Results

Race #1

  • Robert, Corinne, Leopal —1st
  • Greg O and Hayden –2nd
  • Tony and Nathan —3rd
  • Ken E and Amy—FOC

Race #2

  • Robert, Corinne and Leopal—1st
  • Ken E and Amy-  2nd
  • Zombour— 3rd
  • Greg O and Hayden— 4th
  • Tony and Nathan —5th
  • Tom and Lee Jing—- 6th

Race #3

  • Robert, Corinne and Leopal—-1st
  • Ken E and Amy—-2nd
  • Zombour 3rd
  • Greg O and Hayden—4th
  • Tony and Nathan—5th
  • Tom and Lee Jing—6th

Race #4

  • Robert, Corinne and Leopal—1st
  • Zombour —2nd
  • Ken E and Amy—3rd
  • Greg O and Hayden—4th
  • Tony and Nathan–5th 
  • Tom and Lee Jing —6th


The Kanata Sailing Club is pleased to announce its
8th Annual Open Catamaran Regatta, Saturday, August 3, 2019.

This event is open to both KSC members and members from other Clubs, if they wish to participate. All types of catamarans are welcome to compete.

  • Registration will be on back deck at 9:30 am – 10:00 am.
  • Skipper’s meeting is at 10:30 am at the Clubhouse.
  • First start will be no earlier than 11:00 am.
  • The last race will be before 3:00 pm .
  • Likely try to get in 4 races.
  • There is no entry fee for this event.
  • Lunch and beverages are provided. We suggest you assemble your sandwiches on back deck prior to sailing and the race committee will bring it out to you at the lunch break to eat on the water.
  • Snacks, BYO.
  • For KSC members, KSC boats will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • The course will consist of multiple windward/leeward laps, with a mid-course entry and upwind finish. (formal Sailing Instructions will follow. Scoring will be awarded based on total lowest handicapped time, using SCHRS(

Carla Millar
KSC Sailing Director [email protected]