All posts by KSC Vice-Commodore

New Dock Coming in Spring 2024

Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant to Rejuvenate Kanata’s Community Sailing Centre in Spring 2024

Thanks to a $37,900 Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) Capital Grant, the purchase of a new T-shaped dock will help the Kanata Sailing Club continue to address the community need for safe, well-managed recreational spaces on the waterfront in Dunrobin Shores/North Kanata. This new dock, selected for lightness and hand-safe connection points, will rejuvenate our waterfront facility, extending its service-life and reducing health and safety risks.

The club is looking forward to accepting delivery of this new dock at the earliest possible installation date in the Spring of 2024.

Thank you to the Ontario Trillium Foundation!

Youth solo sailors at KSC!

YellowTagCalvinThe commitment of the Kanata Sailing Club to extend its offer for youth begins here:

starting from 2015, the KSC will allow children of Family members to sail UNACCOMPANIED on some of our boats. These new young sailors, the Yellow Taggers, must be

1) above 12 years old of age
2) children of a Family member and
3) the parent must have either a Blue or Red tag.

The Yellow tag certification is awarded after demonstration of sailing ability in a Laser equivalent to the CanSail2 level of Sail Canada, as outlined in the Yellow Tag Check Out.

Additionally, the ensure the safety of the sailor, the parent must supervise the child at all times while sailing. All details are outlined in the YELLOW TAG RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, which the parent must sign.

Finally, sailing is allowed:
a. in Lasers or Bytes only;
b. alone or with a Family member who is an adult;
c. in winds less than 10 knots (18.5 Km/h) for 12-15 years old;
d. in winds less than 15 knots (28 Km/h) for 16 and 17 years old.
All details are outlined in the “Ashore Knowledge” of the Yellow Tag Check Out.

Welcome on the water, young sailors!

KSC scores high on COAST

2015_S&S_Green-3-Stars (1)

That’s right!

The “Shells&Sails” program rated the Kanata Sailing Club under the Club Operational Assets & Standard Tools (COAST) with three green stars, ranking high in the small sized clubs category! Quoting from the report: “KSC has a very good base of operating practices, receiving 3 star rating which is above average. […] KSC has well established development goals for the club, and is motivated and committed to increasing their participant scope adding youth programming“.

The review process aimed at assessing the quality of KSC management and program development, to identify areas of strength and opportunities of growth. Shells&Sails will continue to offer resources and counselling throughout the years to grow the popularity of sailing in our community.

Shells&Sails, a joint Ontario Sailing and Rowing Ontario program, aims at promoting the sports of Sailing and Rowing in Ontario.

The new partnership between S&S and the KSC is already fruitful, and the sailing season is yet to start!